13. Glass

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"Are you ok, the doctor had told me nothing," Jungkook scooped closer so their arms brushed

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"Are you ok, the doctor had told me nothing," Jungkook scooped closer so their arms brushed.

"All good, it's just a scratch," Jimin was staring at the carpet.

Why was he so hurt? He couldn't even name.

"The vet has given me a whole list of tips how to take care of the foxes, he was afraid to see them though," Jungkook chuckled.

"Everyone is afraid of moon foxes," Jimin moved a bit into his husband's warmth.

"You aren't."

"I'm just improvising."

"For real? You have freaking dived into the lowest level of the library to fight there with a whole troupe of mutants and a Shadowwolf," Jungkook sighed.

"The Shadowwolf has actually saved my life, it was our only chance, there were too many of them," Jimin hoped Jungkook can understand that it was freaking necessary.

"Ah..." Jungkook rubbed his face.



"Say it."

"I don't want us to argue," Jungkook lowered his head.

"I rather hear what's on your mind," Jimin shivered his insides twisting unpleasantly.

"You could have died. You have been hurt, the doctor has only told me you had so much luck. Sometimes I wish you would be just an ordinary omega who doesn't need to prove all the time he's as good as an alpha."

"Because what, alphas are better?"

"You know exactly we are not," Jungkook caught his gaze Jimin scooping away to the other side of the bed.

"But this is what you're saying."

"Damn! It's not what I think. I believe we are all equal alphas, betas, omegas, but nature has given us different skills and strength. I know you're strong, ok, the strongest omega ever and your extremely smart, but whenever you're risking your life like that I drives me insane as I want to protect you from all harm," Jungkook sighed.

"Would you say the same crap to Yoongi in that situation?" Asked Jimin who was holding himself from starting to scream from pain.

"Its not about Yoongi being and alpha, it's about my feelings for you. If something happened to Yoongi I would be heartbroken, but if something happens to you, I will not survive. If you die, I die, there's no other option. You are my mate, the love of my life, my sanity, my everything," Jungkook's voice cracked, a few tears rolled down his cheeks.
Jimin was sitting there watching him, that wound inside still open.

"So what should I do, as an omega?" He asked and it sounded like an insult more than he had intended.

"I don't understand the question," whispered Jungkook.

"What should I do? Sit at home, cook, clean, carry puppies for almighty alpha?"

"Stop! You know I don't think like that. I respect you, your job, the amazing mixtures you're producing to make our world better, the guidelines you're giving me to help me rule the country. You're a role model for us all, your students adore you, you're giving them so much strength. I hoped that you asking me to go to that library with you means you trust me and agree we're doing this together whatever awaits us there," Jungkook started speaking trying to stay calm. "It's when you do crazy shit like that out there when I get mad at you because I'm so afraid to lose you. Please forgive my flaws and stupid alpha thinking that comes back from time to time," Jungkook stretched his hand out but Jimin made no move to take it.

"Jimin, I accept and respect everything about you, even that you don't want to have children until we're forty or something, or maybe you don't want to have children at all, I'm beginning to think it might be that," their eyes met and Jimin nodded.

"I'm willing to accept that too," Jungkook bit his lip. "We can always adopt or stay just the two of us. I'm wishing to respect and accept whatever is comfortable for you, but... I can not accept when you want to kill yourself."

Jimin was sitting still, Jungkook's words like freaking daggers especially now, when the thing he had been afraid the most had already happened.

It's no use for you to respect my wish to never have children, he thought bitterly, your pup is growing inside me anyway, wherever I want it or not.

"Jimin, please, don't let us argue," Jungkook moved a bit closer but Jimin jumped from the bed.

"I will sleep in another room," he muttered storming out on the corridor to hold the tears in so Jungkook won't see how much he was breaking.

The next couple of days were as if some winter has come over their life, Jungkook could barely see his mate, who was leaving the room each moment he entered.

Hoseok has come back from his search, totally broken as he hasn't had found anything. The silence in the villa scary, so Jungkook was mostly training, taking the motorbike to speed up like crazy over the endless highways. The evenings long so he was sitting in the library reading over that book with the emblem of the Jeon's instead of a title carved on the cover, stunned to discover the secrets of the previous super alphas. The so known beast, he hated the most possessing them like it had done with him, but only the first of his ancestors was able to find his human side, because of falling in love with princess Luna, his soft and kind yet brave mate. The same wolf, had reborn now in his Jimin to save his life.

The library door cracked so Jungkook lifted his head from above the pages to see Jimin who froze with his hand on the knob.

"I can go?" Muttered Jungkook blushing.

"Don't bother," Jimin never even spared him a glance walking through the room to place the needle of the gramophone on the LP, nostalgic piano music filling the space.

Jungkook had seen him mate spending time in the garage a lot taking care of the moon foxes, it seemed something very important for him, his hands carrying traces of bite marks as the two little vampires were definitely trying to drink his blood. This morning Jimin had run out of the dining room during breakfast and Jungkook could swear he was throwing up in the bathroom across the hall, his anxiety raising as what if it was some deadly disease was troubling his omega.

 This morning Jimin had run out of the dining room during breakfast and Jungkook could swear he was throwing up in the bathroom across the hall, his anxiety raising as what if it was some deadly disease was troubling his omega

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Thank you so much for your love. I'm sorry for posting late but I have been out celebrating my sister's birthday. What do you think about Jikook's argument and Jungkook's thoughts about what is happening to Jimin? Will they be able to make up?

Much <3

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