45. Fairy tales

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Jungkook shifted to sharpen his senses and inhale the evening breeze, all smells of the forest were mixed with that almighty scent of tulips and summer rain that brought goosebumps all over his skin. His ears catching Jimin's soft whispers so he listened in to that honey voice.

"The road was leading up, the sun slowly settling so Piki's little heart was becoming anxious. What will a baby werewolf do in a huge Magical Forest at night, especially as he had no idea if he's an alpha, beta or omega. The oaks question too difficult for a kid like him.

"Big, big forest, where will I sleep?" Asked Piki stopping to look at the tree tops above his head, but something hit his head.

"Auch!" Piki scooped back watching a small animal jumping over the branches. "Hey you! Why are you attacking me!"

"Do you have big teeth and are you scary?" Asked the animal.

"As you see I'm very little so no I have little teeth and I'm scared," Piki crossed his arms as was this strange animal making fun of him.

"Oh," a funny snout appeared from behind the trunk.

"Who are you?" Asked Piki.

"I'm Squirrel. Who are you?"

"They call me Piki," he answered. "I'm a werewolf."

"You don't look like a werewolf but a coward," Squirrel laughed.

"I am very little so I can be a coward werewolf," Piki blushed.

"Ok, so if you have little teeth and are a coward werewolf you can sleep in my house tonight. Come follow me," Squirrel jumped down the trunk..."

Jimin smiled to himself turning the page caressing over his belly all gently and Jungkook felt a tear becoming cold against his cheek as his omega was reading goodnight fairy tales to their child.

His heart like hit by something he couldn't name so he put the helmet on starting the motorbike all too abruptly, disturbing the evening forest while driving away as quickly as possible.

The big scared eyes of the tree kids were stuck on him for now, when Yoongi was driving home from the orphanage. They didn't want to come with him, only then accepted his offer when he has said he had been parenting Jungkook.

Taehyung's siblings knew the alpha because through the past three years he had been secretly taking care of them visiting them once in a while bringing lot of presents, Yoongi believed he was living his dream of having his own pup that way.

Right now the mansion was slowly emerging out of the forest so the kids became nervous.

"We're here, it will be your new home, but don't have any worries," Yoongi assured driving behind the gate.

He could sense in their combined scents how much his mate's siblings were afraid right now. Picked up by a total stranger, an adult man, an alpha. Especially Taeyan, who has witnessed his mother dying from the hands of the one taking care of them until now.

"We're here, please follow me," Yoongi stopped the car walking out to open the back door, but the kids sitting there weren't moving an inch.

"Wait here, I will get someone," Yoongi sighed walking to the house where Jimin was sitting on an armchair reading like always lately.

"Have you seen Tae?" Yoongi still couldn't grasp he is really housing under one roof with his mate.

Jimin only shrugged, it was obvious he hasn't found a way to forgive Taehyung yet, so the two were avoiding each other at all costs.

"I'll look for him, the kids are here," Yoongi sighed walking around the house till soft piano music hit him.

The long ballroom at the back side of the mansion, was the place where he found his mate. He had bought the piano after the renovation as his mother used to play the one which had burned.

No one had been using it though until Taehyung, who looked up from above the keyboard causing Yoongi's insides to twist.

"Your brother and sisters are here," he said when something lit up in Taehyung's eyes.
He jumped up storming through the room.

"Where are they?"

"They're afraid to leave the car."

Tae just squeezed Yoongi's palm before running outside so the alpha needed a moment to collect himself and follow. His mate has been reserved, not showing any affection other than in bed, so that tiny gesture meant a lot.
Yoongi's heart pounding while he was running to catch up with Taehyung who reached the car where the kids began to squeal their brother's name, breaking out into tears falling on their oldest brother, who was hugging them sniffing into their hair.

"They're all orphans who had found each other," Jimin's soft voice sounded behind him raising goosebumps all over his skin.

"I thought you're dead like mum and dad," Taeyang was sobbing into Taehyung's clothes.

"I'm here," Tae was cuddling his siblings, Yoongi's heart uneven as they had so many challenges ahead.

"Tae, this man had brought us," the girls pointed at him so Yoongi blushed.

"He is my mate," whispered Taehyung avoiding his gaze.

The children's eyes raising.

"So, would you like to come in?" Asked Yoongi and Taehyung took his brother's hand leading the three towards the mansion.

"Hi guys," Jimin waved to the kids who definitely remembered him from the times when he had been imprisoned in the royalty palace.

The group reaching the house where Jimin asked the kids if they're hungry. Taehyung was keeping a bit back, little Taeyan still sticking to his side.

"Go to the kitchen with Jimin," Tae tapped his back reassuringly.

The boy hesitated, yet ran behind his sisters and the omega.

Yoongi's heart was racing when he stopped next to his mate.

"It will be difficult, but I'm glad they're here. I want them to live a happy life," he sighed looking towards Yoongi who gulped.

It was still very awkward and conflicted, that thing between them.

"I'll go and check on them," Tae leaned in, his lips became hot against Yoongi's messing him up.

That taste and scent so addictive, he had difficulties parting, pulling his mate back for another deep kiss.

"In the bedroom," whispered Tae biting his earlobe in.

Yoongi's body becoming a glowing star as his alpha was such a passionate lover.

I have never believed I will be with you, he thought watching Tae disappearing in the kitchen while his lips were still so full of his mate's taste.

"Are you sure about it?" Yoongi's worried eyes rested on him.

"I will bring Tanja to her exam then claim my foxes back. I will be living in Jin's old flat," Jimin assured he's fine.

That evening when Jungkook had come to the mansion's fence was still repeating in his dreams. The closest they had been since the battle.

Was Jungkook missing him as much, maybe not, Jimin was trying to still the fire and understand himself better. Fortunately he needed to concentrate on driving now.

"Take care of yourself," Jimin nodded to Yoongi starting the engine.

Thank you so much for all your love, what do you think of Jungkook listening in to Jimin reading for their pup then driving off, what about Yoongi bringing Taehyung's siblings to live with them. What about Jimin's idea to move to Jin's old flat?

Mich <3

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