15. Island 11

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You have to tell him, said Luna

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You have to tell him, said Luna.

Thanks I know, Jimin sighed cuddling into his man.

What will Jungkook do, if I tell him, Jimin was so anxious as even though his mate has always dreamed about extending their family, he had no idea how the alpha will react to the real thing.

He is dreaming about having pups with you for years now, Luna was bubbling trash like always.

I know, still, we never know, maybe right now he won't be so happy about it, Jimin was trying to calm his pounding heart telling himself those lies, as he exactly knew Jungkook would be on cloud nine.

The motorbike leaving the garage, so Jungkook waited until the door sealed to be sure the little vampires were trapped there.

"They remind me of me, before I have met you," he said moving the helmet glass down then pressing the gas so Jimin grabbed his waist tightly holding on in the speed.

The route he has typed in before unfolding on the tiny display, so soon there was just nature around them, the curvy highways leading them far from civilization towards the ocean along endless beaches, a blue twilight unfolding over the horizon, the motorbike soon crossing the high bridge to island 11.

Jimin has never been so far out, The Citadel the last point of their kingdom he has visited, but Yoongi once told him the Min clan had a whole beach villa hidden behind the west cliff on island 11. Min clan's land was a safe space now, but the road in front of them was becoming more and more remote, leaving the highway to turn into just a path between dark rocks.

Jungkook slowed the machine down the darkness becoming thicker around them, soon they needed to stop in front of a huge stone wall of a tall cliff.

"Has Yoongi lied to me?" Asked Jimin taking the helmet off watching that barrier in front of them.

"No, he didn't," Jungkook chuckled getting off the motorbike to walk towards the stone wall and shift.

Jimin's heartbeat raising while he was watching the alpha digging his claws into the stone, twisting like a key so the rocks moved with a terrible noise revealing an entrance to a dark cave.

"Island 11 isn't inhabited, so the dealers and criminals had chosen that place to hide and smuggle, but the Min clan is owning the west part of the island and they believed it's a fascinating place for a summer residence, so they decided to locate it in a point impossible to reach by anyone who isn't their family," Jungkook returned watching the omega with glittering eyes before climbing over the motorbike and starting the engine.

Jimin cuddled back into him watching the cave unfolding in the front lights, the entrance immediately sealing behind them, the rustling of the ocean becoming louder especially when the drove out into a garden with rare plants and a long pool finishing with glass walls over the cliff. The villa impressive, openwork cornices, soft roof windows and a lot of wide terrace space, like some pearl of architecture in that wilderness.

"Wow," Jimin was fascinated watching it all, the rough waves crushingly against the cliff, the dark stones and that piece of paradise lost between.

The motorbike stopped and Jimin needed a second to follow Jungkook around the first level terrace inside the house. The chandeliers lit up revealing that posh interior with a lot of expensive art stored here, you could see Yoongi's personal touch.

"This is so pretty," Jimin felt goosebumps all over his skin as they were all alone here so far from anything.

"So," Jungkook's arms wrapped around him, the alpha's lips becoming burning against his mating mark. "You wanted to talk."

"Yes, I... wanted to make up," Jimin tangled his hand in Jungkook's curls pulling him in for a deep kiss, one they had difficulties to part from, his lips so deliciously wet, carrying his husband's taste.

"Kiss me more," begged Jimin burning up like a satellite.

"Let's make up first," Jungkook became serious.

"So how do you want to make up?"

"We should talk it out. The water in the pool is warm we could sit in there, watch the horizon, talk."

Jimin sighed yet decided to follow that plan although he was so hard now, burning to be just mindlessly taken by his alpha.
Jungkook was walking a bit in front of him pulling the main terrace door open to walk out and take his clothes off, Jimin stopping in the doorframe observing.

"Are you coming?" Jungkook was bare running to jump into the pool with a big splash. Jimin heard him giggling.

"Ah Puppy, you're so naughty," he sighed.

Shouldn't they do more important stuff, prepare to break into the tomb, prepare for battle, but he walked out into the cool ocean breeze slowly taking his clothes off, being thankful for the night that is covering his body. Maybe his state was slowly becoming visible, but Jimin ignored staying in his boxers, reaching for a bathrobe that was stored in a chest next to the hammock chairs.

The wind chilly so he wrapped himself tightly into the soft fabric sitting down at the edge of the pool, diving his feet in, the water was really nicely warm.

"Hey, aren't you coming in," Jungkook swam towards him to place his chin in Jimin's lap.

"Not in the mood for swimming," Jimin shrugged, why was that inner pain taking over.

"Jimin, what is happening with you? Please tell me is there any way I can help you through this?" Jungkook caressed his thighs leaning in to kiss the inner side of his legs.

"Jimin, what is happening with you? Please tell me is there any way I can help you through this?" Jungkook caressed his thighs leaning in to kiss the inner side of his legs

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Thank you so much for all your amazing support. I hope you're enjoying Jikook's little trip? How will Jimin answer Jungkook's question? I can only say the next chapter will be steamy ;)

Much <3

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