34. Deal

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We wouldn't make it out alive, my pup for sure not, thought Jimin caressing down his belly, hoping the baby was alright

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We wouldn't make it out alive, my pup for sure not, thought Jimin caressing down his belly, hoping the baby was alright. It needed a safe environment to grow up, not him constantly stressing and risking his life. Will Jungkook ever forgive him that he has put the pup in danger so much?

The gate moved, opening widely so the Shifters ran back like dogs when three vans appeared slowing down to stop exactly at the borderline.

There were mutants jumping out holding the swords up escorting Taehyung who looked like a ghost with a pale face, messy curls and a dark green silk scarf bound around his neck.

"Let's go," Hoseok left the car and Jimin followed trying to hold his posture up proudly.

Taehyung's face was crossed by a nasty grin at their sight.

"Well, well, welcome. My almost mate, my former friend," Taehyung raised his brows.

"Come to the point, I want my mate back," Hoseok raised his voice.

"Uh, that slimy coffee stinky omega, wouldn't even snap my fingers to have him back..."

Hoseok hissed shifting, but Jimin grabbed his arm, they couldn't allow Taehyung to provoke them.

"But we can't choose who we're fated to," Taehyung's face was crossed by a shadow his fingers nervously running over the mark hidden underneath the scarf.

All his life Taehyung was sure him, the alpha prince will mate for prestige, for the crown, then abandon that person to continue his bachelor lifestyle with endless omega girls, but fate had different plans for him, so he was here carrying the mark of his true mate, the proud strong alpha of the Min clan. Something what must have been Taehyung's worst nightmare, Jimin even chuckled as what Yoongi did was the biggest humiliation Taehyung could ever face.

"Come to the point," hissed Hoseok.

"So, I will need an ingredient called Indagou from you Park," Taehyung looked him straight in the eyes.

"That's stuff of legends," muttered Jimin.

"I've heard you are the most skilled alchemist of all times Park, shouldn't be a problem to prepare it for me in the next eight days."

"What will I get in return?" Jimin took a step forward and the Shifters uncovered their fangs. The mutants were observing his greedily watching his belly definitely thinking about the empty promises Taehyung had made.

"You think you're in a position to have requests Park?" Taehyung hissed, but a car engine broke the silence and Jimin's heart sped up especially as all blood left Taehyung's face at the sight of Yoongi's car coming to halt at the borderline.

"You want something from me, you have someone who's mine," Jimin spoke up. "Indagou for Jungkook, Tanja and Jin."

He was observing Taehyung who took a step back at the sight of Yoongi, touching the mark as if it had exploded with sudden pain.

"So, what will you tell?" Asked Jimin crossing his arms.

Taehyung was still pressing his palm to the side of his neck leading that inner battle.

"Park," he hissed. "If I won't get Indagou I will kill that coffee stinky omega and the little girl."

"Indagou for Jungkook, Tanja and Jin," repeated Jimin calmly.

Taehyung's eyes lit up red, he took another step back inhaling sharply, as Yoongi's moose and vanilla scent must have been definitely driving him insane from the forbidden longing.

"Tanja and Jin for Indagou," he hissed. "The super alpha stays."

Jimin's insides crumbled with pain, but he knew he had to do this sacrifice to save them all.

"Jungkook, Tanja and Jin..." he started.

"Park, I will release the two for the ingredient, if not I'm killing them."

Hoseok tensed next to him so Jimin sighed.

"Ok, deal," he muttered heavy hearted.

"Be here in eight days with the ingredient. Ah, if you could add a few pills of Sweet Night to it," there were lively glitters lighting up in Taehyung's eyes.

"Keep dreaming," Yoongi's low voice sounded when Taehyung almost lost his balance pressing both palms to the mark.

"Park, we have a deal," he shouted stumbling to the first van to disappear inside when the Shifters moved forward, the mutants still observing Jimin with those intimidating glowing eyes.

"Let's go," muttered Yoongi and Jimin turned going back to Hoseok's van, the tiredness taking over, he really needed to take some rest at home, eat well, take care of himself and the pup, try to find sleep in the empty bed while missing Jungkook so much. Eight days and I will free my mate, he thought as that faint hope was the only thing keeping him alive.

Tossing around and wandering without goal was all Jimin had been doing through that different and scary time. The only bright moments, playing with the moon foxes or reading, so he had his mind busy. Each day extremely long, especially as Yoongi and Hoseok had advised him to stay in the villa and the surrounding garden, none sure what Taehyung might come up with next. The wrapped up Indagou was resting on the bedside table waiting to fulfill its mission. The morning sickness troubling Jimin a lot, but he knew in a few weeks it will fade. It only meant the pup was growing hopeful ok. Feeling so extremely lonely Jimin was talking to it a lot while lying in bed in the evening. Still it seemed so fictional to him that in seven months from now they will have a little baby.

I hope your dad will be here then all safe with us, he was repeating as the approaching red moon was raising his anxiety infinitely.

Fortunately the eight days passed and it was finally evening so Jimin was placing Avi and Ju into their basket caressing over their fur.

"I don't know why you're still keeping them, they're extremely dangerous," commented Hoseok who came into the garage to tell they're ready.

"They're just lonely orphans who had found a new home here," Jimin knew no one really agreed to his idea of keeping the moon foxes, but he had found so much comfort in their presence and was by now emotionally attached to them. Of course from time to time they were biting into his hands to feed on his blood, but he noticed it wasn't to still hunger, rather to be close to him. Or was it naive him believing in the good in every monster.

"Can we?" Hoseok raised his voice, since him seeing his mate was approaching he was even more quiet and reserved.

"Is Yoongi here?" Jimin sighed, he had the Indagou in his jacket pocket, some necessary ingredients packed in the backpack and grandfather's sword ready, just in case the plan wouldn't work out.

"Is Yoongi here?" Jimin sighed, he had the Indagou in his jacket pocket, some necessary ingredients packed in the backpack and grandfather's sword ready, just in case the plan wouldn't work out

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Thank you so much for all your support. I know it's a dark phase of the story but the climax is approaching. What do you think about the deal Jimin has made with Tae? Will Tae keep his word and free Tanja and Jin?

Much <3

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