12. Moon foxes

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"They're vampires," Jungkook whispered when they had stopped the motorbike in the garage and Jimin was laying out a used blanket on the floor, his heart overtaken by something so heavy he needed to take care of that now to not to break into pieces

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"They're vampires," Jungkook whispered when they had stopped the motorbike in the garage and Jimin was laying out a used blanket on the floor, his heart overtaken by something so heavy he needed to take care of that now to not to break into pieces.

"Jimin, they're dangerous," the calming hand of his alpha landed on his neck.

"They're babies, left all alone in the world, their mum was killed on their eyes!" Yelled Jimin tears storming down his face when those scary images suddenly came back.

His mother tortured by Namjoon and the soldiers while he had been held back and chained to a chair not able to do anything or to help, not able to take his eyes off that horror in front of his eyes.

Jungkook's face became pale his hand sliding down Jimin's blood soaked hoodie.

"You're bleeding," he gasped.

"I don't care," Jimin turned walking to the motorbike to take the foxes out and carry to the blanket laying them there caressing through their fur, both were still trembling their small hearts banging in their chests. "I will not hurt you, you're safe here," he whispered kneeling there on the cold concrete petting them trying to stop those images in his head.

"Jimin, I will call a vet to take care of them, now you need to see a doctor," Jungkook's voice was serious.

"Leave me in peace!" Jimin shouted, he needed to be alone now.

The foxes had lost their mum, he has almost lost his baby today.

"Jimin," Jungkook's trembling palm tangled into his hair.

"Don't touch me!" He yelled his alpha scooping back, his eyes so hurt, but he turned abruptly walking out of the garage slamming the door shut when Jimin curled up on the floor breaking out into sobs.

"A bit deeper and the womb would have burst, it was a few inches from loosing your pup," the doctor Jungkook had called over was looking at Jimin seriously while wrapping his wound up after investigating it carefully.

Jimin bit his lip, after feeding the moon foxes that were slowly calming down around him he has sealed all garage entrances, they were still vampires, couldn't do anything against their nature so they needed to be locked up.

"You shouldn't risk your pup's life like that," there was judgment in the man's eyes when Jimin felt his blood boiling.

"Because what should a pregnant omega do, sit around and not breath at al..." he snapped but the door cracked open and Jimin covered his mouth in fear.

The door was pushed open gently, all hair raising on his body from fear but the person who entered was Yoongi, so Jimin dared to breath in again.

"A pregnant omega should be responsible and take care of himself and the child," the doctor got up looking Yoongi's way. "I have left new wrappers for the wound, it's not so deep so it should heal in a few weeks."

"Mr. the state of Mr. Park is something you are forbidden to talk about with anyone including the super alpha," Yoongi's gaze was hard, so the man blushed leaving the room quickly.

"Asshole," hissed Jimin reaching for a bathrobe to cover himself as he had been wearing boxers and pajama pants only, because he had taken a shower to spill the Shadowolf's spit and the blood off himself.

"People like him will never understand people like you," Yoongi was calm coming in to sit down on the bed next to Jimin.

"And you understand?" Hissed the omega sarcastically.

"My father had been assassinated by royalty when he had refused to cancel the pact between them and the Min clan which was making it impossible for them to invade our land. Because of that they couldn't kill Jungkook when he had been a child," Yoongi spoke, his calm voice so much in contrast to that heavy story. "Your parents refused to poison the Green Moon clan. We both have been leading endless battles, that's why we're still here. If people expect you'll sit on your butt when a new war broke out just because you're pregnant, they're completely nuts."
Their eyes met and Jimin felt a huge burden lifting.

"Jungkook has sent me to ask if you're ok to see him. He's dying from worry."

Jimin bit his lower lip as a few tears had left his eyes.

"Ok, tell him to come," he whispered.

"Jungkook is not the bad guy in this, he loves you like crazy."

"I know."

"I think he deserves to know," Yoongi focused on his belly and Jimin's inside twisted.

In a few days he will start to feel sick, that for sure will give him out.

"I don't know how to tell him, not yet. I'm afraid."

"You will find the right moment," Yoongi tapped his arm then got up slowly walking out of the room.

"Yoongi, there was a Shadowwolf down there, but it has never attacked me."

The alpha stopped with his hand on the door knob.

"The moon foxes also never..." Jimin's voice cracked.

"I think you should rest now, I'll explain it to you the other day," Yoongi sighed walking out of the room.

The door he left open was soon pushed a bit with a soft crack, Jimin's heartbeat raising.
The mattress next to him bent, the scent of blue moonlight and neck kisses surround the bedroom like a warm blanket.

The mattress next to him bent, the scent of blue moonlight and neck kisses surround the bedroom like a warm blanket

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Thank you so much for your feedback. What do you think abou Jimin's outburst and everything he's been through? How will his talk with Jungkook go?

Much <3

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