33. The last

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The door squealed open, that room filled with the scary scent of ginger and burned caramel, one Jimin hated to be in

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The door squealed open, that room filled with the scary scent of ginger and burned caramel, one Jimin hated to be in. The principal had always treated him like a piece of trash before his mating with the super alpha. Now his eyes were as stone cold as during their encounters to sell pills for the girls requested at Jungkook's ruts.

"Hello, you wanted to see me."

"Omega Park," the man scrunched his nose. "You're pregnant."

"And?" Jimin clenched his fists.

"I wanted to tell you that you're fired from the position of material arts teacher."

"I can still teach, I will be able to do it for a few more months," Jimin's chin trembled from anger and hopelessness.

"No, you can not teach in that state. It's lowering the morals of the girls."

"What do you mean! I have a pup with my husband and even if I was a lonely omega you still would have no right to judge me," Jimin trembled.

"A material arts teacher should be strong, a leader, a role model, not that, pitiful sight of an omega expecting a pup that is the only reason why he's still alive. If I were you I would crawl somewhere and hide to protect the royal pup. The super alpha is gone, king Kim is here to claim his throne, but that thing growing up inside you is first to the throne, so as long as it's alive you're alive omega Park," their eyes met, the principal's hate filled glittering with satisfied revenge. "You're worth nothing, just a body to carry the super alpha's pup..."

"Have you learned your lines from Taehyung?" Hissed Jimin breaking that flood of insults.

"It's king Kim for you."

"Jungkook isn't dead so you shouldn't act as if he is and a piece of scum like Taehyung will soon pay for all of that."

The alpha hissed shifting, but Jimin opened the door turning to leave, he was trembling from fury and pain, those awful words still ringing in his head, the way down those huge Mating School stairs wobbly blurring out in front of his eyes.

Fortunately there was that huge front door he pushed open, there was some chilly night air outside, the main gate, his steps banging.

You're only worth as much as your pup, if the pup dies you're dead.

Don't think about it, begged Luna.

Shut freaking up! Yelled Jimin, but a car with no plates came down the street stopping with squealing tires. The side door opened and a dark shape crushed out on the street. Jimin stopped watching in horror how the car drove over the body then disappeared down the street.

Please don't let it be Jungkook, Jimin's teeth began to clench against each other when he was collecting courage to approach, the body becoming more and more visible and he froze above it to see a known face.

"Woo," he whispered crouching down to try to feel out her heartbeat although he knew she was dead, her wrinkled face beaten up horribly and Jimin sniffed.

There was a rope she had been strangled with still around her neck, attached to it a piece of crumbled paper giving out a horrifying scent of lilies and poison. Deep red lines were scribbled over an emblem of a Lunar Firefly with blue moon roses on the wings. Jimin's stomach crumbled and he was trying to hold on, not throw up on this street but car tires squealed and he raised his head, all of his veins freezing to ice. The dark car which was nearing known though, so just in seconds it stopped next to him and Woo's body. The door banged.

"Jimin," Yoongi sighed crouching down next to him.

"They're monsters..." Jimin bit his lip. "She was so old, couldn't they let her live her last days peacefully?"

"What has that asshole written down here," Yoongi grabbed the paper opening it. "To Park," he read out. "Remember that you're the last, KTH."

"What does it mean?" Jimin hissed.

"This is the emblem of the alchemists, an ancient clan of deep knowledge. Woo had belonged to it, your mother was one of them. After your parents were killed there have been only Woo and you left. You're the last now, the only one carrying that knowledge your parents had handed over. Taehyung is throwing threats, but he will not touch you, he needs you more than ever."

Their eyes met when Jimin nodded.

"We need to take Woo's body from here."

"Don't lift her, you need to be careful now," Yoongi was serious taking Woo up into his arms carrying her to the car when Jimin needed a second to get up.

"Hoseok will be here in a few minutes, go with him to Taehyung, I will reach the meeting as soon as possible. Good luck."

Jimin nodded again, what could he tell, that he had been treated like the last piece of trash by the principal, that Woo was killed without a reason and Jungkook was trapped in Taehyung's mansion so far from him.

I don't know if I will survive this, he whispered in his head.

You need to be strong for the pup, begged Luna.

Fortunately Hoseok's military car appeared down the road, so Jimin collected the rest of his courage waiting for the prince to reach him.

"You seem very down today," Hoseok was driving into that wilderness of the mountain region.

"I'm fine," muttered Jimin as speaking about it now would break the last pieces of strength he had left, so Hoseok wasn't picking up the subject, fortunately.

Both driving in silence over that narrow road between high trees and ribbons of fog until a huge metal gate appeared in front of them. Two dark shapes moved forward when Hoseok slowed the car down.

"Damn Shifters," whispered Jimin, ignoring the goosebumps all over his body.

"Let's wait for that bastard," Hoseok stopped the car checking his guns.

Jimin's heart uneasy as Jungkook was there behind that gate and he couldn't reach him no matter how much he wished to see him again, fall into his arms, say I'm sorry and cry for ages.
There was no movement around the gate, just the Shifters walking to the car, time passing slowly and Jimin couldn't bare it any longer.

"Will he come at all, it's past our appointment time," he glanced at the device.

"If he won't appear in five I'm driving over those monsters and that gate," Hoseok's eyes were dark.

"If he won't appear in five I'm driving over those monsters and that gate," Hoseok's eyes were dark

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Thank you so much for your feedback. I know it's a dark phase in the story but thank you for staying through it with me. What do you think about the words Jimin has heard from the principal and what happened to Woo? Will Taehyung come to the meeting?

Much <3

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