48. Guests

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"I wanted to ask if there's a way for us," Jungkook sat at a table watching him

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"I wanted to ask if there's a way for us," Jungkook sat at a table watching him.

Those unspoken things were circling between them.

"Honestly I don't know. We keep hurting each other, can't go five minutes without arguing," Jimin crossed his arms.

"I was mad because you didn't tell me, because everyone else knew and I didn't..." Jungkook took a loud breath in. "When you exactly knew how much I was wishing for it and... you have risked the pup's life so many times... the mutants, they wanted to kill it right?" Jungkook looked straight at him when Jimin gulped.

"Yes, they were on a mission to kill it," he whispered.

Jungkook got up walking around rubbing his face.

"You see, that's why it's better if we keep a distance," whispered Jimin ignoring how much those words were hurting him.

Jungkook stopped walking returning to the same table to lean against it, he was quiet playing with the edge of his bandanna, the same one he had borrowed Jimin when the where going to the Forbidden Library.

"I didn't tell you because I was afraid," those words that came out of his mouth shocked Jimin.

Jungkook's stunned eyes rested on his face.

"I don't know, I just... was so afraid of what is happening to me, of how you will treat me. If you will accept me in this new state, if you will accept the pup..." his jaw trembled. I'm still afraid of what will happen to me, he finished in his mind.

"You know how much I was dreaming to have a child," Jungkook got up nearing him when Jimin's heart began to pound in his chest.

"Doesn't make me any less afraid," he spoke catching those burning eyes.

"Can we work from here?" Jungkook stopped so close Jimin could feel his body heat.

"I guess, but... I need some more time," he was drowning in doe eyes once again even though he shouldn't.

"I want to be there for you, both, take care of you, love you... both of you," Jungkook spoke raising the temperature in his body. "Damn Jimin you know I love you like crazy I only get upset with you when I'm so afraid to lose you," Jungkook raised his voice pressing those warm palms to his cheeks caressing them.

"Please," Jimin took his palms off. "Give me more time."

Jungkook nodded taking a step from him sighing loudly.

"Ok, but please take care of yourself and our pup and whenever you're ready please visit me or tell me to come."

"Ok," Jimin smiled, their eyes met, some peaceful calmness filled his heart.

"I guess I'll be going then. Boys, behave and don't dare to bite Jimin," Jungkook looked at the foxes that hid at the far back of the basket.
Jimin chuckled observing his alpha leaving the cafe, his heart beating up loudly.

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