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Jake : Do you ever feel like nothing you do matters?

Y/n : You leave footprints on the beach, and then tomorrow they're gone.

Jake : Like it's just today over again.

Y/n : They say your teen years are for making friends

Jake : And having fun...

Jake & Y/n : Which made us feel even worse.


Jake was working one of his usual shifts at Smart+Aid with Y/n sitting on a chair close enough to mock her brother endlessly. He was piling packs of Adult Diapers on top of one another to create some sort of useful display and Y/n was just sitting there with a book.

She loved to read and more specifically she loved to read All The Bright Places. It was one of her favourite books, the spine was all cracked and the paper-back slightly bent up due to the amount of times she'd spent her time enjoying the words on the page.

The girl looked up from her book and watched as a group of popular people from their school walked over to where jake was standing.

"Hey, Amy. It's Jake. I'm in your math class"

Y/n watched her brother's failed attempt at talking to one of the girls. She watched how the girl turned her nose up at him and rolled her eyes in response to Amy thinking she's the best person to have ever walked the Earth.

Amy picked up a pack of the Adult Diapers and threw them to a blonde boy "Hey, don't forget your adult diapers" the boy caught them and smirked "Yea right" he lifted his arms up and threw them towards Amy, but she ducked and the pack flew staright into the stack Jake had just finished.

Y/n rolled her eyes and stood up, she walked over to stand next to her brother and crossed her arms "Unless you're going to actually buy anything I suggest you leave"

The group of five all turned to look at Y/n and rolled their eyes in synce before all turning to eachother and laughing. They all finally left, but continued giggling on their way out.

The twins turned to eachother but where instantly pulled away when the owner of the store walked towards them "Jake, Y/n. Phone for you"


Jake : But that day, everything changed.

The twins hopped into the purple car which belonged to Shelley, Jake in the front and Y/n in the back seat.

A little while after they started driving along the highway, Jake turned to Shelley with a small smile "Thanks for the ride Shelley"

The woman kept switching her gaze between Jake, Y/n and the rode infront of her "So how come you too have to go deal with your grandpa?"

Y/n closed her book and leaned forward in her seat a little "Our dad couldn't get out of work"

"I didn't think he worked"

Jake shook his head a little and pulled his phone from his jean pocket "I'm just gonna call Grandpa" he called his grandpa and put the phone to his ear as it started to ring.

Abe quickly made it to the ringing phone and picked it up "Hello, this is Abe"

Jake (over the phone) : "Hey, it's Jake, Y/n's here with me"

"No! Don't come here. Listen to me, both of you. It's not safe" the man looked out the window, keeping watch for anything peculiar "Stay away"

Back in the car, Jake and Y/n shared a knowing look "Grandpa, did you take your pills today?"

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