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The twins sat in therepy, side by side on the couch infront of their shared therapist : Dr. Golan.

Jake shook his head as he avoided his sister's gaze "There was no one there"

Their therapist sat across from them in a chair made for one with her legs crossed over and her hands on her lap. She lightly smiled as she tilted her head to the side ever so slightly "May I say, Jake, Y/n, considering that this was only a month ago...I think you're both doing exceptionally well"

Y/n shook her head at the woman "What? Apart from being crazy?"

"Having nightmares and anxiety doesn't make either of you crazy"

Jake fiddled with his fingers in his lap "What about seeing things which aren't there?"

"Actaully, in traumatic situations, it's not at all uncommon. Your subconscious mind drew an image from a movie or-"

Y/n glanced at Jake as she spoke "It was a story. Our grandpa told us stories when we were kids" Jake nodded and continued for her "About monsters that he fought in the war"

"So there you go. He was brutally attacked and in your heads, the man who did it was inhumane, a monster"

Jake shook his head even further "It wasn't a man, though. The cops said that dogs scratched up the screen door and he chased them off into the woods"

Y/n clicked her knuckles and she sat forward a little more "But the corner said he had a heart attack. And the cops said...that dogs go after soft parts. They DNA tested the fork and it had animal DNA"

Jake waved his hands in the air "So that's case closed"

"He sounds like an extraordinary gentleman. Where you three very close?"

Abe : Puerto Rico. Here.

The man pointed to a small place on the map and looked up at his two grandchildren.

Abe : There's a lake where the water glows in the dark. And a secret tunnel, that's where I hid from the monsters.

Little Jake reached over the map on the table and stuck a small red sticker over Puerto Rico, looking up to smile at Y/n.

Jake : "He used to babysit us a lot, when we were with him, we felt special"

The two children sat at the table opposite Abe with small smiles on their faces as they listened to him continue telling his story.

Abe : ...My duck was dry again...

Y/n's and Jake's parents came back into the house, their mother held an unhappy smile "Abe. It's like, 11:00. What are they doing up?"

Their mother leaned down and kissed the twins heads as she passed them. Jake looked up at her "Me and Y/n are gonna be explorers"

Y/n nodded with a small smile "Grandpa's helping us plan our fist voyage"

Their farther sat down on the couch and turned the tv on "Everything's already been discovered kids"

Abe got up from his seat and moved to stand behind the twins, he leant over them and pulled them a little closer "Pay no attention to your farther. He knows bubkes. Come, Tygrysku, Lwica. Off to bed" he carried the pair into their shared room and closed the door behind them.

Jake was tucked away in his bed, under his pirate duvet and Y/n was tucked away in her bed, under her fairy duvet. Jake looked up at Abe with a smile "Can you tell us a story?"

"The usual?"

Y/n giggled to herself "Yes!!"

"Okay. Once upon a time there was a little boy..."

"With the pictures"

Abe nodded at Jake and grabbed the box of pictures, returning to his seat "Once upon a time there was a little boy called Abe"

"That was you" the two twins spoke in synce.

"That was me. And he lived in a lovely children's home on a little island near Wales, where the sun shone every day" he held up a picture of a well dressed lady smoking a pipe "The headmistress Miss Peregrine was very clever. And she smoked a pipe"

"She could turn into a bird"

"Mmm-hmm. It was a home for special children like Bronwyn and Victor" Abe held up a photo of a tall boy with a little girl on his shoulders, she was holding a huge boulder in one hand "They were both as strong as 10 men. And Hugh...Hugh had bees living inside of him" Abe held up and picture of a boy who had the left half of his body covered in bees.

"What about Emma? Where's Emma?" Jake tilted her head as he asked his question "She could float"

Abe nodded "She was lighter than air. She had to wear special shoes made of lead to keep her from floating away"

"What about Enoch? Where's Enoch?" Y/n giggled as she spoke "He could rise the dead"

Abe nodded at his granddaughter as he held up a photo of a teenage boy holding a heart.

Jake nodded "Where are they now?"

"They're still on the Island, I believe. My mama and papa sent me there to live with the special children. And now Tygrysku, Lwica, time to sleep"

Jake : "He used to call me Tygrysku. It's Polish for little tiger"

Y/n : "And he used to call me Lwica. It's Polish for Lioness"

Jake : "He couldn't have picked a less appropriate nickname for me, I was always a chicken. Y/n's however was spot on, fit her like a glove"

"Why did your mum and dad send you away?"

Abe looked down at Y/n with a smile "Well, where we lived in Poland. It wasn't safe. There were monsters"

Jake sat up in bed a little more "Whag kind of monsters?"

"Huge ones, with long arms with no eyes and tentacles like this" Abe stood up near the lamp and made a shadow with his hands to show the twins what he meant.

Jake : "The dumb thing was for years, I actually believed his stories"

Jake put a picture under a projector at school infront of his whole class "And this is Millard, he's invisible"

The whole class laughed at him, thinking he was crazy as Y/n sat in silence at the back of the room reading her book.

That same day after school, the twins sat on the sofa at home with Abe. Jake handed the box of photographs back to his grandpa "Our teacher says they were trick photos"

"And did you believe her?"

"Dad says you probably found them at a junk store someplace when you went travelling"

Abe locked eyes with his grandchildren and sadly smiled at them "I would never lie to you Tygrysku, Lwica"

Y/n sat in silence as she watched the two speak.

"But you did, about the home, the monsters. Dad told me"

"Your farther knows very well I went to live in a children's home"

"He said there really were monsters in Poland...just not the kind with tentacles. He said you got sent to Wales 'cause there were bad people. People who wanted to kill anyone who was different"

Abe trembled a little as he started to speak again"I don't wanna talk about this anymore"

"He said the children were special...but not the way you did"

Abe put the box of photographs down beside him and moved to sit inbetween the twins. He gently pulled them into a hug.


Later that night, Jake woke up panting and gasping.

Franklin : "I'm just saying, tomorrow was supposed to be a writing day"

Jake's mum : "Five years and counting on that damn book. And taking one day to be with your son and your daughter in their birthday is gonna be a big difference?"

Franklin : "Fine"

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