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Enoch rushed towards the steps and stopped when he found Emma and Y/n slowly making their way up towards him.

Emma shook her head "Enoch! Where are the others?"

"They're safe. Olive is leading them back to the ghost train"

The three of them headed back down the stairs, and Y/n shook her head "Jake needs us, Barron is too strong for him to fight off"

Barron was only a few feet away from Jake as Miss Peregrine flew out of the cage and scratched the man across the cheek, she then flew out of one of the windows on the ceiling like Jake had earlier asked her too.

Jake nodded at him with a small smile "You've lost Miss Peregrine. You've lost everything, it's over"

Barron pulled his hand away from the scratches on his face he had just been given by Miss Peregrine and walked towards Jake. He grabbed the boy's jumper and was about to kill him with his axe hand but paused when he heard Y/n's call for her brother.


He lowered the axe as he turned to look at the locked door with the whole in the middle he had not long created.

Emma, Enoch and Y/n walked towards the cellar door as the girl continued to call for her brother "Jake?"

Barron turned to look back at Jake with a grin.

The three came closer to the door and Emma called out for the boy one last time "Jake?"

When the three of them walked into the cellar door they saw two Jake's standing there.

Jake 1 stepped forward "Emma. No wait look, that's not me. It's Barron"

Jake 2 stepped forward to stand beside the other "Don't listen to him. He's Barron"

Jake 1 shook his head "No I'm Jake"

Enoch watched the two closely before picking up the crossbow which already had an arrow ready to fire "Well I've got a better shot than Jake. So neither of you move until we sort this"

Jake 2 shook his head as he looked at Enoch "Listen to me. I'm Jake" he turned to look at Y/n "I grew up in Florida and I wanted to be an explorer with you Y/n. We both thought nothing would ever change because we were ordinary"

Emma pointed to Jake 2 "That's Jake. Get Barron"

Enoch pointed the crossbow at Jake 1, but Y/n held her hand out "Enoch no!" She locked eyes with Jake 1 and saw the look in his eyes. Y/n then turned to lock eyes with Jake 2 and saw the same look "I should be able to tell my own brother apart from a copy" a soft sob escaped her lips as she shook her head.

Jake 1 held his hands out "No, look both me and Y/n told him all of this. She was our physcatrist"

Jake 2 gestured towards the door "Look you deal with him, I'll go find Miss Peregrine" Enoch quickly aimed the crossbow at him before he could move.

Y/n watched as Jake 1 looked across the room, she followed his eyes and saw a Hollow creeping around the edge of the room. The girl walked past Enoch and Emma to stand beside Jake 1. The pair looked at her completely shocked so she just nodded at them. Y/n felt the boy beside her gently nudge her with his elbow as a small smile made it's way onto her face. She knew she was standing next to her real brother.

Her brother glanced at Enoch and Emma before looking over at Jake 2 "Wait, look I can prove that I'm me...Because I'm not ordinary, I can do something only me and Y/n can"

All four of them watched as Jake 2 turned his head to look behind him but quickly turned his head back again. Y/n and Jake watched as the Hollow started to slowly wrap a couple of it's tentacles around Jake's neck as he stood there looking around cautiously.

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