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Mr. Archer and Mr. Clark made their way down the stairs and out of the doors of the Blackpool Tower. They had all four hollows close behind as they started to follow Jake, Emma, Y/n and Millard.

Y/n carried Emma's shoes as she was floating, Jake was holding the rope that was tied around her waist to keep her with them.

The three of them kept walking, with Emma floating close behind them until the blonde pulled on the rope "Jake, Y/n I'm stuck!"

Both twins held onto the rope as they pulled Emma away from the wire she got caught on. They kept walking and Y/n groaned "Emma your shoes are so heavy!"

Both Jake and Emma playfully rolled their eyes at the girl as they kept moving, trying to stay as far ahead infront of the hollows as they could.

Y/n looked back as they entered the pier full of people and quickly turned to look at Jake as they kept walking "Jake one of the men just got hit by a train"

"That's good"

"Umm, everyone just watched it happen Jake! How is that good?"

"Y/n just calm down and stick to the plan okay?"

The girl took a deep breathe "ok"

They came to a stop outside the ghost train and Jake pulled Emma back to stand on the ground. She quickly took her shoes from Y/n so the weight would keep her down.

Jake, Emma and Y/n all hurried through the ghost train.

The brunette rushed ahead and left the ghost train to get to Enoch she stopped beside him and nodded "It's time" the two of them went into the ship and Enoch opened a crate he brought with them. The crate was full of Jars which were filled with hearts.

Y/n stared down at them and slightly grinned "Come on, get to work we have some monsters to kill" Enoch shook his head as he smirked at the girl before grabbing a jar from the crate and standing.

A few moments later, the door to the boat flew open and a bunch of alive skeletons followed Y/n onto the pier. The girl stood there and pointed towards the ghost train.

Jake ran back through the loop with his cross bow in hand and looked up to the roof of the ghost train "Go! Now!"

At his command Fiona, Hugh, Claire, the masked twins and Horace all started to throw snow balls at the hollows.

Fiona turned to look at Hugh "Starting to see them now"

The snow made them visible to the normal eye.

Hugh nodded at everyone "Phase two"

All the children leant down and drove their hands into huge buckets filled to the top with sweets, standing up to throw them at the hollows. The sweets stuck to them as well as the snow.

Jake nodded "Emma, Olive. Go!"

Olive took the lid off the candy floss machine and Emma stood behind it. She nodded at Jake before blowing, the candy floss flew and stuck to the hollows joining the sweets and the snow.

The man the hollows were with looked up at them angrily "Don't just stand there! Get them!"

The door to the ghost train flew off it's hinges and all the skeletons Enoch brought back to life came running out with Y/n and the dead riser following closely behind with smirks.

The skeletons and hollows were fighting as the man just stood there in the middle. The people on the pier all stood there, completely shocked and terrified.

A few skeletons had a hollow on it's back and were hitting it repeatedly with knives.

Enoch and Y/n hurried over to stand with Jake as they watched the scene unravel before them.

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