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Emma handed the rope to Jake and shook her head with a smile "Enoch usually does it, but like I said, he's off sulking somewhere"

Jake smiled slightly "Is that because of me and my sister?"

Emma nodded "He's possessive"

Jake awkwardly looked around him and finally back at Emma "So, what did you need help with?"

"One of my daily chores" she looked up at the tree "Put the baby squirrel back in the tree" emma then looked at her watch.

"What baby squirrel?"

Emma held her hand out and caught a falling squirrel, jake smiled at the animal "That happens everyday?"

The girl looked up at him and grinned "Like clockwork. Now, would you mind tying that rope around my waist?"

"Uh, yeah" jake untied the rope and started trying it around Emma's waist. It was very awkward for the pair.

But when Jake pulled away from her, she smile again. She bent down to un-buckle her lead boots "Right. Promise to hold on tight"

Jake tightened his grip on the rope and emma un-buckled the last buckle on her shoes making her start to float, gently cupping the baby squirrel with both hands. She floated up, towards a higher part of the tree with a bright smile on her face. Emma grabbed into a branch making Jake move forward, he tugged on the rope a little making sure to keep her in the right place.

Emma gently place the baby squirrel back into it's nest and pushed herself away from the branch. Jake started to slowly and gently pull on the rope, making Emma float back down to the floor.

He pulled her to the ground and held her down by her shoulders, receiving a soft smile from her as she bent down to re-buckle her shoes.

"I nearly messed that up"

Emma stood back up "Abe did too his first time. This used to be his job" she pulled the rope loose from around her waist.

"Emma, I need to tell you something"

Emma looked back up and swallowed her breath, forcing a smile onto her face "He's dead. I know. Miss Peregrine guessed and she's always right" she tucked a peice of hair behind her ear "It's okay. I said goodbye to him along time ago"

"Were you close?"

"I...I thought we were. For a while but I suppose not"

"Can I ask, was he like you?"

Emma chuckled a little as she tilted her head to the left "He was like you, Jake. I need to go and change for supper" she put the rope back over her shoulders "Will you and your sister be dining with us?"

"We can't stay out late"

"Supper's at 5:30"

"Uh...that's pretty early"

"That fact we're not all eight years old seems to have eluded Miss Peregrine. You can borrow some of Abe's clothes his room's in the attic and Y/n can borrow a dress of mine or Olive's"


Y/n made her way up the stairs and towards the room she guessed was Enoch's.

She was right.

The girl stood in the doorway and knocked on the door frame making both Olive and Enoch look up at her. The pair were over near the desk, enoch was sitting and olive was standing beside him.

"What do you want?"

Olive tapped his shoulder "Enoch don't be mean, Y/n is simply...new. What's the matter Y/n?"

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