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Y/n sat in the living room, near the fire as she waited for Emma to get back from taking Jake home. She sat in silence and she sat still until she felt someone's presence in the doorway.

"You didn't flinch"

Y/n kept her back facing towards the person, she easily figured was Enoch "What?"

"Everytime we've had a newcomer they flinch at the change over. You didn't flinch"

"I'm used to seeing things that aren't normal Enoch. It doesn't make a difference to me"

"Well it should"

"But it doesn't"

Y/n finally turned to look at him, he was leaning against the door way with his arms crossed over his chest. She locked eyes with him and tilted her head "What do you want Enoch?"

"Why did you choose to stay? If not forever and only the night, why?"

"I feel safer here and if that's a problem then I'll leave" Y/n rose to her feet and went to leave the room but stopped in her tracks when Enoch moved to stand in the doorway so she couldn't leave.

"Not a problem, just an annoyance"

"Hmm, well I need to speak to someone other than you so if you wouldn't mind. Move it"

Enoch was going to speak but he stopped himself when the front door flung open "Miss Peregrine!" He moved out of the way and Y/n rushed passed him to Emma's side almost instantly "Emma? what happened?"

Emma shook her head "We need Miss Peregrine"

Speaking of her, she came into the room "Emma, dear what's the matter?" That's when she realised Emma had a bird in her arms, more specifically an injured bird. And it wasn't an ordinary bird, this one was peculiar and it was Miss Peregrine's dear old friend Miss Avocet.


The next morning Jake woke up to his alarm at 8:00 and went to get out of bed, but his gaze got caught on the pink flower from yesterday. Except it wasn't so pink anymore, the flower had died and turned brown overnight. Jake reached forward and gently touched the flower only to watch it turn to ash.

Jake's dad walked into the room with his camera and binoculars "Who's ready to hit the beach?"

The boy groaned at his dad's words as he threw his head back onto the pillow.

After properly waking up, getting dressed and leaving the pub they made it to the beach. Jake and his dad were climbing over small slabs of rock to get to the place where the birds nested.

"Oh, my..." Franklin chuckled as he saw the birds and glanced at Jake as they kept walking "Unbelievable. Right in the middle of a nesting area? What kind of idiot does that?"

A green tent was set up along with 3 different cameras.

Jake and his dad walked closer to the tent as a man poked his head out "Actually, the main nesting area is over there" he came put of his tent and pointed towards a huge pile of rocks "I could show you if you'd like"

The man walked closer to the pair "It's marvellous to meet a fellow bird spotter" he grabbed Franklin's had to shake "John Lamont"

"Franklin Portman. This is my son Jake, I also have a daughter but she's out on a walk"

John shook Jake's hand too "John Lamont"

Franklin looked past the man's shoulder "That's a hell of a camera you got there"

"Oh, thanks. It's absolutely fantastic. I'm here to do some snaps for a book I'm writing. So, you gentlemen here on a holiday?"


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