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Claire and the masked twins stood at the railing above everyone else. The little girl looked at the pair and quietly hushed them.

Mr Barron shook his head as he moved away from the target board "You think you can stand in my way? You Jake and Y/n content to age and die as if you had not the gift of peculiarity at all?"

Miss Edmwards threw another knife attempting to hit Jake but he hid behind the elephant.

Y/n watched as Enoch rushed past her and grabbed a cone. He ran towards Barron and tried to hit him with it but failed. Barron turned his head and backhanded the boy in the face, causing Enoch to fall to the floor unconscious. Y/n pushed herself out from behind the wall and stared at her brother "Jake! We need to do something!"

She watched as Barron shook his head with a grin and held his arms out "I am a higher being! I hold the secret to eternal life!"

Y/n practically growled at the man "Olive, now!"

The red head walked up behind Barron and tapped his shoulder with her bear hand setting him on fire "Sorry to interrupt"

Barron looked over his shoulder "What the..." he saw his coat had been set ablaze and instantly took it off to turn around and hit Olive with it, knocking her to the floor with a squeal.

Jake put another arrow on the crossbow getting ready to use it, he looked over at Bronwyn who was ducked behind the inflatable pool "Bronwyn"

The girl listened to him and rushed over to the chairs, she pulled one up taking the bolts off and looked at Jake for the signal.

The boy jumped up from behind the mechanical elephant and fired the crossbow at Barron. Unfortunately for him the arrow flew right past his head. Y/n mentally facepalmed as she rushed to kneel at Enoch's side.

Barron scoffed as he put his coat back on which was now absent of flames "You missed me again Jake I take it accuracy is not your peculiarity" the man was struck to the floor when Bronwyn threw a chair at his head.

But Barron jumped back up with a snarl and threw his hand out turning it into some sort of long tentacle. Jake aimed to fire another arrow at the man but Barron used his tentacle hand to throw the crossbow from the boys hands. Jake pulled a pocket knife from his coat and ran towards the wighet who had turned his hand back to normal intime to push Jake to the floor violently. Both Emma and Y/n let out a gasp as they watched Jake roll around the floor trying to let air into his lungs.

Barron chuckled and looked between the Portman twins "Abe was a much worthier adversary" he then went to leave the circus room.

Y/n looked down at Enoch and shook her head "If you wake up stay down and don't move unless you have too Enoch" she stood up and walked behind Barron.

The man turned around to face her with a creepy grin "Ahh! The Scarlette Witch, you don't seem as powerful as you should right now"

Y/n shook her head instantly blocking out all thoughts except the one about a small plan she'd made herself which would most likely keep her friends safe "You know you could've stopped your hollow friend from killing my grandpa then maybe you would've gotten to the loop sooner without me having to come here myself"

Barron tilted his head at her "What are you saying, had a change of heart?"

Y/n looked over at Enoch who was still passed out, her gaze flickered over to Jake who was still lying on the floor. But now he was looking up at her "Y/n what are you doing? This isn't apart of the plan!"

"I'm sorry Jake, but it's not worth it grandpa is dead and we aren't ordinary. That's all I want, I want to be ordinary again" she moved to stand beside Barron with a staright face, she tried not to show any emotion and it worked.

I'm sorry guys but Miss Peregrine will be okay. You'll all be safe.

Y/n started to follow Barron out of the room but they were both stopped by Horace who put his monocle to his eye and let a dream project. The light was enough to make Y/n instantly cover her eyes with her hand.

Barron pretended to be affected by the projection and light but started laughing as he walked up to Horace, putting his hands on the boy's shoulders. Y/n moved to stand beside the man as his eyes widened "Ooh. Hmm. You must put me in contact with your tailor" and then he pushed the boy to the ground and started walking again. It took Y/n everything not to stop her act and help him up, but she refrained and continued to follow the man.

"Ymbrynes, Ymbrynes! Here I come!"

Jake grabbed his crossbow and put some arrows in his coat pocket he rushed after his sister with Emma close behind him.

The ginger wighet from before jumped up to stand in the pool and picked up Bronwyn who ket out a squeal at the action. The man threw the girl into the pool and hopped out, turning around to hold his hand above the water and start to freeze it with a grin "Wait till the blood freezes in your veins"

But he stopped, pulling his hand away and turning around.


He looked down to see Fiona staring up at him, she threw seed over him which landed all around his feet.

The man smirked "That was your attempt to rescue your friend was it?" He started to move forward but stopped when he looked down. The seed Fiona threw started to grow through the carpet wrapping themselves around the wighet as they grew. They kept growing around him until they started to choke him, knocking him to the floor to lie there.

Barron walked through the hallways of the Blackpool Tower with Y/n following quietly behind him. He stopped outside the cellar door making Y/n stop. They both hear the birds chirping, obviously trying to communicate so Barron leant against the door and whistled.

Y/n heard a faint noise so she turned to see Jake and Emma standing there, she moved to the side so she wasn't standing infront of Barron sending a nod to the two.

Jake nodded back and shot the crossbow but the arrow bounced off the wall infront of Barron. The man turned around with a laugh "Jake"

Emma leaned a little closer to Jake but nodded to Y/n as she spoke "Me and Y/n will hold him off as long as we can"

Emma rushed forward to stand next to Y/n.

Barron stood in the middle of the hallway "When are you going to realise you are a terrible shot with that thing"

Emma and Y/n walked towards Barron. Emma blew and Y/n activated her powers, she held her red, glowing hands out towards Barron and the man flew backwards until his back was against the end wall of the hallway.

Emma kept blowing as the pair stopped walking and Y/n held her hands out.

Jake rushed to stand to the left of Y/n "Get the others. I'll meet you at the loop entrance" he then rushed into the cellar and closed the door behind him, locking it in the process.

The girl kept using their peculiarities and Y/n nodded to herself before leaning her head closer to Emma "I know you can't answer back, but everything I said was a lie. I'm not leaving any of you here to die"

Inside the cellar Jake turned to look at all the caged Ymbrynes with a sigh.

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