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The two had gotten back to the house, dry again and fully clothed. Emma peaked over a stone wall and looked down at Jake and Y/n "Hurry, you'll miss it"

The twins climbed up to stand level with Emma, so they could see over the wall.

Emma nodded, keeping her gaze forward "Ymbrynes usually pick the perfect day to create a loop. But Miss Peregrine had to make this one in a rush"

Y/n listened to their conversation as she watched Miss Peregrine walk towards a white outline on the grass of a dead monster with a crossbow in her hands.

Jake shook his head "Why?"

Emma spoke in a duh tone making Y/n silently smile to herself "Because the Germans were about to drop a bomb on the house. The point is, Spetember the 3rd, 1943 wasn't perfect. The thing that killed Victor came back.

Miss Peregrine stood a few feet away from the outline and pulled her watch from her pocket. She looked down at it, before putting it back into her pocket.

The twins watched as a similar monster to which they saw the night of their grandpa's death climbed up the cliff side.

Jake started to shout but was instantly shut up by Emma.

Y/n didn't say anything she just stared. She felt a pit start to form in the bottom of her stomache, so she jumped down ignoring the calls from her brother and walked straight back into the house.

She kept walking, trying to get to the garden but stopped when she walked into someone. Y/n closed her eyes and waited to feel the floor beneath her but she didn't, instead she felt a pair of arms around her waist. She opened her eyes to see Enoch looking down at her. Y/n moved herself out of his grip and looked to the floor. They both just stood there until Y/n felt a hand grab onto her wrist.

Enoch started gently pulling her up the stairs and towards his room he pulled her in there and closed the door behind him. When he turned around he saw Y/n looking up at him.

"What happened?"


"You have tears in your eyes. What happened?"

"I just saw the thing that killed Victor and it looked exactly like the thing that might have killed my grandpa!"

Enoch hesitantly stepped forward and slowly pulled her into a hug. They both stiffened at the action but they quickly relaxed into the hug. Y/n slowly wrapped her arms around the boys waist as she rested her head on his chest. Enoch rested his head beside hers and gently tightened his grip around her shoulders.

They stood like that for a moment or two and slowly pulled away, Y/n looked up at him "Thank you" he nodded at her before pulling her into another hug.


Emma nodded at Jake "You and Y/n can see it, can't you? No one else can, it's invisible Jake. That was Abe's greatest gift of all, he could see the monsters"

Miss Peregrine sat in a room, smoking her pipe "We call them Hollowgast. Hollows for short"

Jake sat on a sofa and Y/n stood in the corner of the room, with Enoch next to her.

Y/n nodded slowly "Our grandpa told us about people who turn into monsters. Is that what they are?"

Miss Peregrine nodded "I will explain everything. I fear it's my duty now, considering. But you should both know that in doing so, I am breaking a solemn promise" she looked down "I knew you were both peculiar when you were born but your grandfather forbid me to tell you anything. His dearest wish was for you two have ordinary childhoods"

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