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Don't ask me how I know that ok, I'm not a simp I swear.... But Uraraka would say otherwise. That's not the point.

He handed me his money with no emotion at all... HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE. Meh he's probably rich as well, wouldn't surprise me one bit. Not because he's a jock, but... na that's the only reason.

"Just get me a fucking black coffee nerd, or is that to hard for you." Wow this prick, I was half tempted to punch his stupid, hot face. Fuck there I go again.

I made him his stupid black coffee. If I could I would throw it at him. But I need the money so I can't. Then this stupid lady decides to "accidentally" drop her drink. It was cold water I'm pretty sure. WHO in their right mind orders just a Ice water.

I walk over to clean the spill as the girl next to her tips her drink onto me. "Oops~ so sorry I swear I didn't mean it." That slutty bitch. I was soaked

My top probably exposing my already boney body. I mean, it's a white shirt... making me wonder if my manager was a pedophile.. Anyways I sat there for a while till I saw Jirou, Todoroki, and Satou stand before her. Toga obviously cleaned the counters, keeping the waiting students occupied.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" Jirou yelled in a fit if rage. Todoroki and Satou sitting me up as I trembled from the cold. "Oh my God, it was just an accident, I swear." She said that a big smirk only people who were lying used.

If I could kill you I would. But CLEARLY that wasn't an option. What the fuck did I do to desive this type of treatment.

They led me to the back to get a new shirt. But, just my luck, there weren't any. Seriously, NOT EVEN 1. I literally almost cried at the sight of it. Sight if what you may ask... THE SIGHT OF NOTHING.

I almost cried, like seriously. My wet, see-through shirt was at least drying up faster than I expected. And I walked out in it too. "Why didn't you change Midoriya?" Says Todoroki. I know he's a good friend and all, but he is REALLY stupid at times.

"T-there where n-no m-more.." I trembled on my words, muttering them in a way that only Kacchan understood. How could he not, when we were kids I did that quite often. "There were no more shirts he said." I didn't believe didn't believe Kacchan would translate that.

"Oh, well um, I don't know then..." says Todoroki, glancing at me, dripping down the floor. "Don't worry I got you"Said some cheerleader, I'm pretty sure she went by Mina, I'm not sure, she's only in my biology class so I don't really recognize her.

She walks up to me with a black T-Shirt, suspiciously my EXACT size. Giving me a hug she said, "You're kinda cute if I do say so myself, you're Izuku Midoriya right? I've heard of you." Wow really preppy for a cheerleader, less cocky too, wow.

Kirishima comes up behind her and they start to kiss. It disturbed me so much, I just left. What else was I supposed to do... WATCH. That's called being a perv, and I'm not one of those. Just a simp for sure. I rather be called a simp any day than to be called a perv. I didn't even like girls, the thought of them would sicken me, and obviously some have tried to get naked infront of me.

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