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Easy. Too easy.

Too easy to fool them. Too easy to convince them. Too easy to prove his love was real. Too easy to make them love him back. Too easy to get them to stay.

But it was hard to protect them the way he wanted to.

That was how he felt anyway.

For them it was always a kind and caring friend who wanted to prove so desperately how much he needed them in his life, something they never understood.

They never understood the way he snapped at them when they spoke poorly of themself; the way he would put them above everything else (even when something clearly more important needed his attention); they never understood why he was always there for them, be it a shoulder to cry on or a gentle, loving embrace.

Sure, he was a bit overprotective and maybe a bit obviously manipulative at times... but he never hurt them... so clearly he was doing those things because he didn't want them to find out about something he knew would hurt them.
The things he hid from them were never really that important anyways. Someone else would usually tell them, and it would never turn into a big deal because it was never something to confront him about hiding. Typically it would just be that some random cookie of importance was visiting and he had to make a public appearance with them, or something they could've sworn they put in one place would turn up in a completely different one.

They barely knew anyone outside his castle, even the other Great Heroes who would visit on diplomatic and... well Hollyberry Cookie is in her own category.
Maybe White Lily Cookie is too, but not really... they really considered her more as "inside" the castle... specifically because she always stayed there when she came to visit the kingdom.

But their favorite time was the mornings. Not because they liked getting up, but because if they were up enough time before him they could go do what they do best through the town.

While (C/F) Cookie wasn't exceptionally skilled at protecting themself. They didn't have magic, they weren't very tough, and their wimpy little arms would probably crumble right off if they tried to lift a weapon. But if there was one thing they could do, it was run.

"Excuse me!" They yell in a cheerful tone, zooming through the halls at high speeds.
They probably had thirty seconds before he caught up to them and if they wanted to at least get a lap in before he dragged them around at his painstakingly slow pace on their morning walk together.

The castle guards and servants move out of their way as they speeded past, a few laughing and yelling "good morning" after them.

Reaching the front gates they place their hand on them, about to push them open when a familiar spell catches them round the leg and lifts them off the ground.

"Good morning (C/F) Cookie." Pure Vanilla Cookie calmly walks up behind them, even his staff was smiling (and probably laughing at how silly they looked while dangling from their leg).

"Hey! Unfair! Put me down, Pure Vanilla Cookie!" They squirm, trying to free themself of the spell.

"Hmm..." he pretends to think about it, "No."

They sputter, trying to flip themself over to gape at him better.

"Haha, alright dear. But please don't go sprinting off. I don't want you to hurt yourself." He gently pulls them over and drops them in his arms before setting them down.

"Yeah yeah... I learned my lesson after that cookie knocked me into the river." (C/F) Cookie rolls their eyes.

"Did you?" Pure Vanilla Cookie asks jokingly.

Liar (Yandere Pure Vanilla Cookie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now