13: A Child... No!

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Strawberry Crepe Cookie did not like what the Cookies were doing to the only home they'd ever known.
They were still upset with the one with the crows for cheating the rigged coin toss, and were holding a petty grudge against the former king for foiling Dark Enchantress Cookie and leaving them with all these boring Cookies.
They spent most of their time sulking and feeling sorry for themself in the Hangar, which they had been given to appease their temper tantrum.

This just wasn't fair! What was wrong with them using the Wafflebots in any way they wanted? What was wrong with making Cookies stronger with built on upgrades?

"Hello child." The former king grins at them, "What are you up to?"

Strawberry Crepe Cookie huffs in anger, not responding to the smiling king.

The way this Cookie reached out to others always felt empty, like all the care he held was fake—not that this was true, it was just the child's bias.
Pure Vanilla Cookie actually does care about the ideas and doings of the Cookies around him, he just cares a whole lot more about (C/F) Cookie.

He stares at the small, angry Cookie, suddenly a whole lot less cheerful, "Are you angry with someone again? Do you want to talk about it?"

"Ugh! Just leave me alone!" The small Cookie ran off down the repaired streets, through the renovated buildings, and into the now publicly owned castle. Sure, the (former) king still lives here, but now anyone can walk in whenever they like. It's just that purposefully breaking windows and such is still a crime.

Strawberry Crepe Cookie runs through the empty halls and eventually plops down in the library full of shelves after shelves of various books on magic, sometimes even books in cauldrons or other nooks and crannies since there were just... so many books. Like who has the time to read this many books?

"Boring!" Strawberry Crepe Cookie slams shut the book they randomly opened, not understanding half the words on the page.
They needed something exciting to cure their boredom, and they didn't want to get in trouble with that crow Cookie since she'd break all their bots again, then they'd get angry, and Pure Vanilla Cookie would have to break them up before another fight starts.

Hang on, that door broke after those Cookies rammed straight through it on their way to fight Dark Enchantress Cookie, and no one really needed to use the dungeons... Why did it get fixed?

"Hmm..." They hop down from the shelves they were looking through and walk over to the door.

A sign on the handle read, "I cleaned this out, no need to come in here. I put the door back because it makes this room feel nicer."

Suspicious... Can half the Cookies here even read?

Strawberry Crepe Cookie opens the door and steps inside the dungeon. An eerie silence lingers in the air, creating an ominous atmosphere.

"Oh! Now this is interesting!" They say excitedly. They wander through the halls, looking in the cells, until they come to one that wasn't empty.

"YOU!" They yell at the Cookie they recognize from the race the two had.

"CHILD!" The other points at them, not standing up from where they were sitting.

"What are you doing in here?"

"Kid, listen, you need to get out of here."

"What are you doing in here?" They repeat.

"I don't know what he'll do if he finds out you're here..."

"Answer the question! What are you doing in here?"

"I got kidnapped, OK?!" The speedy Cookie raises their arms in exasperation. "I can't stand up because it's too damp for my legs to dry! I couldn't even open the cage if I wanted to!"

Liar (Yandere Pure Vanilla Cookie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now