1: Eternal Prison

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"Ok, this feels really unnecessary." (C/F) Cookie attempts to rip their arm from the king's grasp as he dragged them through the forest.

"Dear, I fear that war is coming, and I don't want to lose you because of it. I assure you, the moment I know it's safe I'll come get you." Pure Vanilla Cookie promises them.

"I mean... I know, but this just seems like a bit much..." They try to dig their feet into the ground beneath them, not that it works or does anything.

"You don't have to worry about someone else taking you away from there, only my kind of magic can open it and, well, you already know that it's a secret passed among only my trusted advisors." He pulls them around in front of him, lovingly stroking their cheek. "No one I don't trust will be able to take you from me." He pulls them closer, kissing them carefully, catching them off guard, before he pushes them backwards into whatever the seal he had made was.

They stumble forwards, but not into him or a tree like they expected. Instead they nearly ran over a much smaller cookie.

"Woah!" They fall onto their back, "Ow..."

"Oh! I'm sorry! Are you ok? I didn't hurt you did I?" A childish voice says above them.

"What?" They rub their eyes, trying to orient themselves to what is going on.

"Uh, Custard Cookie, maybe give them some space..." A shy voice says from somewhere else.

"What?" They repeat, not recognizing their surroundings in the slightest.

"Uh, hi there!" Ah, the voice of the typical protagonist, "We're just passing through the forest, sorry if we're bothering you."

They sit up, "What?"

"Excuse me, are you ok?" A more polite but serious voice asks.

They look around, counting a total of five cookies, none of which are Pure Vanilla Cookie, "What?! Stop going through my pockets!" They slap away the cookie with red hair away.

"You're good..." She snickers.

"I don't have anything of value on me anyways! Why would I have something that could be of importance when I was getting... got... what even happened?"

"Well when's the last thing you remember?" A white frosting wizard cookie asks.

They think hard about how to explain this without saying too much.
"Well... he said something about a war that was coming..."

"Uh, who?" A cookie in a pink hoodie with a lollipop asks.


"It's ok if you don't remember." The plain cookie with little skull candy buttons smiles, "You can join us in our quest! We're... well I don't remember what we're doing, but we're doing it!"

The cookie wearing a pink hoodie mumbles something about a cake hound with a crown.

"Oh, that's great, but I don't know if I'll be much help..." They laugh awkwardly.

"Well, what skills have you got?" The pickpocket asks.

"Uh, I can run. Like... really fast." They admit awkwardly.

"That's great! Running is our specialty!" The plain cookie smiles.

"But like... I can only run. That's the one thing I can do." They clarify.

"Ah ha! I, Custard Cookie III, will help ensure you remain safe with us! As king, it's my job to watch over the citizens of my kingdom."

Suddenly it clicks.

Liar (Yandere Pure Vanilla Cookie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now