2: A Short Forever

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"Oh, hello there. Do I... know you?" White Lily Cookie says.

"Yes, you do." (C/F) Cookie says, "Um, we have a few mutual friends,  that's how we met."

"Hmm... I can't remember much of anything. I don't know who I am." White Lily Cookie frowns.

"Uh, that's ok, you can think about it while I go get my... new friends."
Yeah, it felt right calling them that.
"Maybe, if you still don't remember, we can try to help you remember what happened. I haven't seen you in forever, I was so worried about you... Well, about as worried as Pure Vanilla Cookie would let me be. Anyways, I have to go! I'll be back soon." They run to go back to the group.

"'Pure Vanilla Cookie...'" White Lily Cookie repeats.
Something sounded familiar about that name...

"Guys!!" They pant as they run back, "Let's get running! There's no particularly strong opponents ahead, not like the Werehound at least."

"You seem particularly excited." Strawberry Cookie sighs.

(C/F) Cookie nods enthusiastically. "There's a cookie up ahead that I want you all to meet! She's a friend of mine."

"Oh?" Wizard Cookie asks, "Who?"

"You'll see!"

Hurrying to the glade of lilies, Strawberry Cookie comments on the beautiful flowers.
"These lilies smell so sweet."

"Yes." Wizard Cookie agrees, "Wait, is that the cookie you meant (C/F) Cookie?"

"White Lily Cookie!" They run up to her again. "Did you remember anything?"

"I... I don't think so..." She says, "I'm still not even sure who exactly I am..."

"Well why don't you come with us?" Gingerbrave smiles, "We can help you."

But White Lily Cookie had disappeared.

"Huh..." (C/F) Cookie frowns, "She's never done that before..."

"Who is she?" Wizard Cookie asks.

They pause, debating how to answer, "Why don't we just keep going, hmm?" They run ahead.

"Uh, ok." Chili Pepper Cookie watches them. "They're definitely hiding something..."

"And how were they out alone in the woods if they're so clueless as to what's going on around them?" Strawberry Cookie asks.

"I've been trying to figure that out myself..." Wizard Cookie sighs, "And what exactly made them appear, since they seemed to materialize out of nowhere when we wandered off the path."

"Perhaps it was my royal self who rescued them." Custard Cookie III says proudly.

"Maybe." Wizard Cookie clearly doesn't agree, but keeps his mouth shut.

"Come on, let's get going. Maybe we'll find answers along our way." Gingerbrave leads the way along the path.

(C/F) Cookie comes running back, "More of the same, but if it's alright with you guys I'm gonna go look for White Lily Cookie."

"Ok! Let us know if you find her." Gingerbrave smiles.

"Will do!" They sprint back down the road and pretty far ahead, avoiding cake monsters and anyone they don't recognize.
He had told them that cookies he didn't trust would hurt them, and he didn't want them to get hurt. They didn't want to get hurt either. But if Custard Cookie III has his secretly passed magic, then the adventurers must be trustworthy!

They found White Lily Cookie far ahead on the path, admiring the bones of a fallen dragon.

"White Lily Cookie!" They run up to her.

"Oh, it's you again. Thank you for reminding me of my name." She smiles. "I was about to look for those nice cookies you were kind enough to introduce me to."

"Yeah, they seem nice. Have you remembered anything else yet?" (C/F) Cookie asks.

"Not yet." White Lily Cookie frowns, "But I hope with your help I will. Something about you feels so familiar, yet so different."

"Well, I'm the same as I always have been." They laugh, "What are you looking at this dragon for?"

"I'm admiring how it has become one with the forest. It's so much fun to learn."

"Yeah, you haven't changed at all." (C/F) Cookie laughs, "You always had something new and interesting to tell me. It was always refreshing to spend time with you."

White Lily Cookie smiles as they look over at her, hiding however she had felt a few seconds before.
"I... hope you don't mind, but I want to spend a bit more time alone." She glances away from them.

"No, that's ok. I actually think I'll just wait here for them." They look up at the massive bones of the dragon. "See you later, White Lily Cookie!"

"Goodbye (C/F) Cookie." White Lily Cookie disappears.

They sit down on a nearby rock, thinking.
"Did I tell her my name?"

Liar (Yandere Pure Vanilla Cookie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now