15: Internal Screaming

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It's very boring to be left in a cell all the time with nothing to do.

Honestly, how do people in those prison books not die of boredom! No wonder they always can plan elaborate escapes!

(C/F) Cookie groans in annoyance and grabs the pillow Pure Vanilla Cookie had brought them—from his chambers because he can't get into theirs—and throws it across the cell. It doesn't even reach the other wall before it hits the floor. Dang, and that was like 2 steps away...

They frown at the mockery of their strength, but what stung more is that it was just barely out of reach. Their legs were still somewhat soggy, so Pure Vanilla Cookie would probably crumble them if they moved to try and retrieve it; he'd been furious when he examined them last—after they had tried to stand up.

"Greeeaaat!" They drag out the sarcastic cry, feeling more helpless than ever as they lay on the cold, hard floor.

Whatever this was, it had to be classified as torture. Being stuck in a single room, unable to get up or move around, fed like a pet, and the only thing preventing escape being their own physical weakness...
This has to be torture.

But a weight on their chest prompts them to quickly look up, startling the little Raisin Crow.

"Woah! She sent another one..." They offer out a hand to the little bird, who hops onto it nervously, showing them the note in its beak.

"Oh, thanks. Uh, you should probably get out of here... I don't want him to come back unexpectedly and see you."

They don't need to tell the little thing twice. It quickly takes off out the window.

They unfold the page, and stare at the scribbled mess on it.




Tracing over some of the marks, they slowly realize what it is that happened: Black Raisin Cookie and Strawberry Crepe Cookie had clearly been fighting over what to write. Wobbly letters are blotted out by scribbles over them, like the child had grabbed her arm and scratched it out. Then carefully written letters that just suddenly came to a stop and were also scribbled out.

They snicker, imagining the two bickering as they both reached for the quill.
It didn't surprise them at all that the two fight, they have very different views and methods of doing things, but (somewhat) similar goals.

But why send this if it's nothing but a scribbled mess?
Oh! Wait! There's a very small sentence tucked in an otherwise pristine corner! Their hand had been covering it.

"How can we help?"

(C/F) Cookie's mind goes blank at the question. They expected some sort of plan for getting them out, not them asking them for a plan... and not only that, there isn't really a way to communicate any plan to the two of them without him intercepting it...


Yeah... that could work.

Liar (Yandere Pure Vanilla Cookie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now