8: Abandoned Millenia

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The sound of chaos pointed them to the Raisin Cliffs. There were Wafflebots everywhere, and Cookies desperately trying to defeat them.

(C/F) Cookie had to constantly be moving to not get crunched by waffle swords or splashed with ice cream.

Clearly this was not a place for someone who could not hold their own in battle.

Somehow they got up on top of a massive boulder, still completely uninjured. "STOOOP!"


Only the gentle whirring of the boys could be heard, all else was still.

"What did you do?" Black Raisin Cookie gasps, looking around wide eyed.

"What do you mean 'what did you do'? I didn't do—" They gasp too as it dons on them.

The Wafflebots had stopped attacking.

"The failsafe..." They mumble, "It's still programmed into them."

"The what?" One of the villagers gasps.

"In the event that they went haywire, an emergency program was written to override all other systems and do as I told them to. The engineers said it was because I was the only one fast enough to get there before anyone gets hurt... but I'd have thought it would be taken out by whoever took over them..." They explain thoughtfully.

"Then.. what now?" Wizard Cookie looks around at the frozen bits, "Now that they've been neutralized it would still be a good idea to smash all their cores. Just to make sure they won't power on and attack us all over again.

"I'll go locate the portal to the Castle." (C/F) Cookie nods, "I don't think you need to come with me, it I will come back once I find it."

"Ok!" Strawberry Cookie nods, smashing one of the Wafflebot's cores with her lollipop.

They sprinted in the direction of a faint path, until they came to an odd hole in the ground, one that felt magic, but wasn't an active portal.

"What now?" They ask rhetorically to no one, frowning at the lack of portal.

"(C/F) Cookie!" Healer Cookie yells behind them.

They stiffen, but quickly turn to face him, seeing that he is very out of breath and he looked significantly brighter than he did earlier.

"You shouldn't have run off like that. You could've gotten hurt!"

"I didn't." They shrug, "I'm perfectly fine actually. Not a single scratch on me the whole adventure."

He frowns, clearly not believing them.

"Why do you even care so much?"

"I—" He starts.

"Healer Cookie! (C/F) Cookie! There you are!" GingerBrave yells.

Healer Cookie grimaces, clearly not wanting this conversation to be over. It almost held murderous intent. Almost, a very important word.

"Hey guys. I found a hole." They say, pointing at the hole.

"What good is that going to do?" Chili Pepper Cookie asks, laughing.

"Let me see." Healer Cookie walks over to their side.

"Huh? Healer Cookie, look!" GingerBrave exclaims, "The ground is glowing with every step you take!"

"I think that has to do with the gemstone from earlier." Healer Cookie gasps, "My staff is getting warmer and warmer as well."

"Ok... I missed that." (C/F) Cookie frowns. "Oh the hole is now a portal."

Liar (Yandere Pure Vanilla Cookie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now