14: The Coin Never Landed at All

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(C/F) Cookie absentmindedly stares out the little window they had, pondering the life choices that lead them to this moment.
To be fair, it could be worse. But with their legs still a bit soggy, Pure Vanilla Cookie was adamant on having them stay in one spot all the time, while refusing to do anything that would help their legs dry.

It was particularly boring right now, it always was when he left. There was just no point in staring out at the pinkish clouds over the blue sky, with a raisin crow flying— wait.

Raisin Crow?!

They try to stand up, cringing at the sogginess of their legs. They manage to wave the crow over before they have to sit down again.

The small bird sits on the sill of the window and stares at them.

"Can you give Black Raisin Cookie a message for me?" They ask the bird.

It jumps off the edge and flaps down to their arm.

"You can't come rescue me because I don't want Pure Vanilla Cookie to rip the entire kingdom apart—maybe even the forest by the village—looking for me. Also bring me a piece of paper next time you want to talk to me...I can't talk to you birds." (C/F) Cookie thinks for a moment, "I think that's everything..."

The crow caws and seems to salute them with its wing.

"Go." They nod to the bird, which takes flight out the window again.

"...Who am I kidding! If I wrote her anything he'd instantly intercept it."

Black Raisin Cookie looks up when she hears the loud caw of her crow.

Pure Vanilla Cookie, who she was talking to, looks suspiciously at the bird.
Where had it just come from? Was she still patrolling the forest?

"Not now..." She shakes her head. Whatever news the bird had should wait. The kid had specifically said not in front of Pure Vanilla Cookie... they'd throw a fit if she ignored that.

"It's alright." Pure Vanilla Cookie smiles, "I don't mind."

"No, that can wait. It would involve something I'd need to talk to the child about."

"The child?"

Yes, they both know who "the child" is. Not even the two of them know their name, that's how little they share it.

"Yes, they wanted to talk to me about something."

"What is it?" He asks.

"It's nothing too important." She shrugs, "Knowing them it's probably nonsense."

"I suppose that's true." He smiles, "But do tell me if it's something I should talk to them about."

"I will." She nods. "But back to what you were saying..."

Strawberry Crepe Cookie looks over the Wafflebot they were building. They didn't know what to do with these anymore, since they can't use them to fight Cookies...

"Hey kid."

"WHA—! Oh, it's just you." They look up at the one armed Cookie. "Did you send the bird?"

"Yes. You weren't lying." She looked nervous.

"Ha! See? I'm not as bad as you thought!"

"Yes... but do you not understand what that means..." Black Raisin Cookie frowns, "(C/F) Cookie is caught at the mercy of a powerful Cookie who we can't do anything to defy the will of without getting crumbled ourselves."

"You're incredibly pessimistic." They frown.

"No, I'm being realistic."

"...I know." They admit, sadly, "But it feels wrong that we can't do anything!"

"Well, with the help of my crows we can keep in touch with writing... they suggested that."

"...You can understand those birds?"

"They're smarter than you give them credit for."

"...O...kay then." Strawberry Crepe Cookie nods slowly. "We don't have any sort of plan, so what would we even write to them?"

"Maybe ask if they have a plan." She shrugs.


"Do you have any paper?"

"None I'd let you use for this!"

"Then what do you suggest?" She, and her crow, give them an annoyed glare.

"How about another coin toss?" They pull out the coin, "I swear I didn't engineer this one, so don't cheat and have you bird rig the results! Whoever's side it lands on gets to plan our communications with them."

Black Raisin Cookie rolls her eyes. "I suppose that's fair... as long as you don't use the Wafflebots for a full scale invasion; I don't not want to regret this."

"Fine," Strawberry Crepe Cookie grumbles, "take all the fun out of everything..."

They flip the coin, but the second it's at its peak in the air, Black Raisin Cookie's raisin crow snatched it, flying up to the top of Strawberry Crepe Cookie's project.

"Hey! I told you not to rig it!" They huff

"I... I didn't tell them to do that..." She is confused. Why would the small bird do such a thing?

"Well, I'll just flip it again then!" They cross their arms, "Come on, bring it back!"

But instead the bird flies out the window.

"Hey! That was my only not-engineered coin!" Strawberry Crepe Cookie yells.

"Maybe we just need to work together?" Black Raisin Cookie frowns, "I'm more used to working alone, but... the result of the coin toss was... undecided."

"That wasn't the agreement..."

"Well, we don't exactly have another option..." She points out, "Maybe it will turn out better if we just get along."

"The chances of that happening are less than 1%." They state.

"I'm not going to disagree, but we won't know until we really try." She shrugs.

Pure Vanilla Cookie was looking fondly through the library shelves.
These books were so nostalgic to see, but he was mostly here to stop any nosey Cookies from entering the dungeon. He didn't fully believe (C/F) Cookie about how they hadn't spoken to anyone else since they got there, so it's possible he could catch the culprit when they tried to come back.

A light twittering sound catches his attention and he looks up to see the blueberry bird gliding down to him.

"Hello there." He smiles at the small bird, "Can I help you with something?"

The bird drops a coin in his outstretched hand before fluttering away.


He examines the golden metal more closely, but there is nothing unusual about it. It is just a normal coin with heads and tails. The surface was so shiny that he could see his confusion reflected back at him.
What is this for? Is it some sort of token from the Tree of Wishes in GingerBrave and the rests' Kingdom?

Was it a hint for who had snuck in to speak to his dear?
Well it's a very bad hint then! This could belong to literally any Cookie!

He gently placed it in his pocket, going back to the books.

[I will admit: I'm writing the second to last chapter and this one feels very wrong now... it's one of the ones from before I purged a few and rewrote the ending. Sure, what's in it still works... but it just... doesn't fit well...]

Liar (Yandere Pure Vanilla Cookie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now