17: Hidden Agenda

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Both Black Raisin Cookie and Strawberry Crepe Cookie were confused by the reply they got back.

All of it, aside from the postscript, seemed like total nonsense that was supposed to throw them off trying to help. It said something like:

"It's wonderful here" yada yada "I don't know what you're talking about" blah blah blah "I will return when I have cleared my doubts."

"P.S. Strawberry Crepe Cookie, trust Black Raisin Cookie on this."

"What?" Strawberry Crepe Cookie squints at the page, trying to make out some sort of code. Unfortunately, there isn't one.

"Obviously it was written with the idea that it may be intercepted," Black Raisin Cookie reasons, "To pretend we're in the dark of what's going on in case he got to the crow before they got to us. Any code they may have he could figure out."

"But what is this postscript about then?" They ask, gesturing to it.


"Oh?" She looks at the messengers, "That was a smart idea."


"(C/F) Cookie told their actual plan to the crow, so I would get it and be able to pass it to you, but there was no way he'd know that."

"So what's the actual plan?"

"Hush. There are footsteps approaching." Black Raisin Cookie jumps to a darker part of the Hanger, effectively disappearing from sight.

"Child?" Pure Vanilla Cookie calls as he opens the door.

"Ugh." Strawberry Crepe Cookie groans, "What do you want?"

"Oh, nothing! I just wanted to know where you are!"

"Why?" They say, utterly confused. Was he onto them?

"Because it gives me some peace of mind to know that you and Black Raisin Cookie aren't off causing trouble somewhere."

"Get out." The child says, flipping a lever on their current project, like they were going back to work.

"Alright, if you insist." Pure Vanilla Cookie leaves the Hangar again, closing the door behind him.

Strawberry Crepe Cookie looks at the door suspiciously, then uses his waffle arms to make sure it was shut all the way.

"Good, he's gone." Black Raisin Cookie jumps back to where the two were conversing before. "Here's the actual plan."

"Are you sure he's gone? Maybe he's onto us."

"He would've insisted upon staying if he was." She points out, "Do you want to hear the plan or not?"

"Touché... but are we absolutely certain he's gone?"


"Yes." Black Raisin Cookie nods, "I cannot hear him by the door."

"Alright, what is the plan?"

"One of us, probably you, is going to be in charge of causing a scene and then running off to the dungeons to help them get to their bedroom. The other is going to babysit the problem the other caused and ensure Pure Vanilla Cookie doesn't catch on to what we're doing and head back to the castle."

"Hmm, yeah. That would have a higher chance of success if I'm the one who goes to get them, I remember where their cell is and he trusts you more than he trusts me." Strawberry Crepe Cookie nods, "I'd say the percentage of failure is still about 31% either way... If he realizes what's going on..."

"I'm glad we're on the same page with the possibility of failure." Black Raisin Cookie nods. Sadly looking at her crow, she sighs, "How do we plan for if he figures it out?"

"I guess we hope he doesn't." They shrug, "Why would they want to get up to their room though? That seems like the first place he'd look..."

"Perhaps there is an escape there..." She suggests, "But in the event that I'd fail, I'll send you a crow. If you see it, tell them to run as fast as they can to anywhere they can get away from him."

"Alright... I'll need a bit of time to set up a diversion large enough to hold his attention for long enough...."

"We'll also need to figure out how to communicate when we go through to them." Black Raisin Cookie nods.

"Simple, we write a completely normal sentence with the time and mark it or something."

"How much time do you think you'd need?"

"Hmm... Well, maybe I could rebuild the Golem... have it cause chaos."

"I will crumble you myself if any of the villagers get hurt." She threatens.

"Hmm, but if we claim it's an unruly Wafflebot, and Cookies get hurt, he'll not only have to stay to ensure its destruction, but he'll also have to take care of the injured." Strawberry Crepe Cookie points out.

"You won't need that much time." She counters.

"I can't magic-proof the bots, that's not a thing I can do." They roll their eyes, "One spell would probably have them in pieces."

"I see. There's no way for you to effectively cause a purposeful malfunction... maybe instead..." She begins to explain her plan.

"Hmm, yeah, maybe." Strawberry Crepe Cookie shrugs, "But what about the chance that fails..."

"The same signal."

"Hmm... ok!" They smile widely.

(C/F) Cookie paces around the cell. It isn't much different than sitting all the time, but after days of being stuck on the floor, they never wanted to sit down again.

They stop and look out the window. The scenery of soft, pink clouds mixed with blue sky had gotten boring a while ago. Honestly, what did he expect them to do when they were stuck down here without him?

... he probably didn't expect to be apart from them often enough that they would be bored all the time.

What is that...?

A black dot in the distance was quickly getting closer and closer...

Oh wait! That's a raisin crow!

(C/F) Cookie moves away from the window to give the bird space to land—while not hitting them in the face.

The crow had no letter. It was just a messenger.

"They got the message." They breathe out a sigh.

"Caw!" The bird flew off quickly. Good timing too because not a moment later they heard Pure Vanilla Cookie calling for them down the hall.

"Dear! I'm back!"

"Uh, hey Vanilla!" They chuckle nervously.

Maybe things are going to turn in their favor.

Liar (Yandere Pure Vanilla Cookie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now