7: Hello Dear

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They shot up, wishing that everything was just a horrible nightmare and they'd wake up in bed beside Pure Vanilla Cookie.

But instead they were in a dark and half-dead forest.

"(C/F) Cookie!" Custard Cookie III wraps them into a tight hug, "Are you ok? You didn't get hurt by Dark Enchantress Cookie did you? Should I heal you just to be sure."

They don't say anything.

"Before you passed out you told us not to break the moonstone." Strawberry Cookie says, "Did you know that White Lily Cookie was Dark Enchantress Cookie?"

"What?" They spoke quietly.

"Yeah, apparently White Lily Cookie is Dark Enchantress Cookie." Chili Pepper Cookie frowns. "She tried to destroy us."

"Here." Custard Cookie III helps them to their feet. "I'll heal you."

"Thank you." They rub their head as the headache they had goes away. "What else happened?"

"Uh, nothing really." GingerBrave shrugs, "Nothing we really know at least."

"Where are we?" They ask, looking around the landscape.

"No idea!" GingerBrave smiles awkwardly.

"Uh, good to know." They nod slowly.

"We were going to keep moving after you woke up." Wizard Cookie explains, "So we'd like to get going."

"Uh, ok." They let go of Custard Cookie III (who had still been supporting them) and start walking, feeling an odd familiarity with the path.

"Where are you going?" Custard Cookie III yells after them, as everyone scrabbles to catch up.

"It's this way."

"What is?!" Chili Pepper Cookie yells.

"No idea."

"Then maybe we shouldn't walk in random directions?" Wizard Cookie reasons.

"..." They look back at the group, "Uh, alright. You guys can pick a random direction and go that way. I'm going this way."

"Uh, they do have a point." Strawberry Cookie shrugs, "There isn't any indication of where we're supposed to go, and this way seems like it has a path..."

"Thank you Strawberry Cookie." They smile. "I can look on ahead though if you're so worried."

"That would be great, thanks (C/F) Cookie." GingerBrave grins.

They start running through the trees, carefully looking around now that they weren't entirely certain of the way.
It took maybe thirty seconds before they had to dodge a raisin crow that swooped down to peck them.

"Oh crumbs no..." They start running from the crows—which quickly discover that the Cookie is faster than them—until they tripped on a rock and face planted, sliding across the ground for a few seconds before coming to a stop.

"Oh no, are you alright dear?"

They instinctively raise a hand to signal they're (somewhat) ok.

"Ha ha. Here." Familiar, gentle hands help them to their feet. "That looked like a nasty fall."


"Healer Cookie!" A Cookie they didn't know came running up to them.

"Black Raisin Cookie, do not worry. It's alright." The Cookie supporting them says. They sound exactly like him.

"But... this—"

"I do not sense any danger from them."

"Uh, hi?" (C/F) Cookie cuts into this conversation, "Who are you?"

Liar (Yandere Pure Vanilla Cookie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now