Chapter 5

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1 week later ( Sophie is at home recovering)
Addison walked out of the bedroom and over to couch where a sleeping Sophie laid.
She walked over and gave her girlfriend a kiss on the cheek, in response Sophie stirred and looked at her smiling.
"Morning babe, how are you feeling."
"I'm feeling good, I have physical therapy today" Sophie sat up and returned the kiss Addie had given her moments earlier.
"Well you need to eat some breakfast, I'll make you som-"
"I'm not hungry right now Addie" this earned her a frown
"You need to eat, we have deal Sophie"
"I will eat later Addison" Sophie snapped back
Addie sighed "I'm off to work, call me if you need. I love you, you know that right Soph, I'm only trying to help."
"I know, I'm sorry. I love you too"
Addie gave her a sad smile and left their apartment.

Sophies POV
I finished up my physical therapy, she still won't clear for me work. I was driving home when I got a sudden

The gun went off and a piercing pain shot through my stomach.
flashback over

I pulled the car over, hyperventilating. I frantically searched my car looking for anything sharp.
"GOD DAMNIT" I let out a frustrated sigh.
I started driving to the store, I parked my car and headed inside. I grabbed the pack of blades and a few other random items. I checked out and started driving home.
I got home, unpacked the food and grabbed what I really wanted. I went into the bathroom and opened the pack. I took my pants off and made a cut along the top of my thigh, the high of it quickly faded and I made 4 more which fixed my urge. I stared at the blood a little longer until my phone went off with a text from Addie saying she is leaving work in 10 minutes
"Fuck" I quickly bandaged the cuts and started cleaning the mess up. Just as I got myself set up on the couch I heard the door unlock and in walked Addie, Arizona, Callie and Amelia.
"Heys guys, how was your day"
They all replied with various answers and took a seat on the surrounding lounges.
"Did you eat today Sophie." She had a hint of seriousness in her tone.
"Yes I did, feel free to check the trash if you don't believe me"
"Don't do that Sophie, we have a deal and you have to stick to it."
"Actually Addison I am quite capable of taking of myself, I don't need you to be my fucking mother." I got up and stormed out of the apartment.

Addison's POV
"What am I doing wrong, I'm only trying to help." She looked to her friends with tears forming in her eyes.
"Your not doing anything Addison, she is trying to deal with her trauma, she's angry and is taking out on you." Arizona said softly
"Addie your sitting in a room with the only people she trusts and loves. She's never had someone love her like you do and it probably scares her." Callie spoke next
"Addison her anger isn't towards you, but you happen to be the one person in her life who has never left her and loved her through everything. It's not fair to you that your getting all her anger. I'll go find her and bring her back to my house, then I'll talk to her about everything."
Addison gave her a small smile and Amelia left to go find Sophie.

Amelia left the apartment and headed outside, she walked out of the building and spotted Sophie sitting on the sidewalk .
Amelia took and seat next to her and they sat in silence for a while until Amelia finally spoke
"Can I ask you a question soph" she gave a small nod
"Arizona told me about the incident with the drugs and she said you made a mistake and promised Tommy to never touch them again. What happened?"
"Long story"
"We've got time"
"Alright, but this stays between us" Amelia nodded
"It was my 17th birthday, tommy had thrown me a party because neither of us had ever had a birthday. This was about a year after we had left home and I was in a dark place. I was taking any drugs I could get, drinking all the time and I had been cutting myself. I think it was about 3 in the morning and my bestfriend, Scarlett, wanted to go for a drive, we were both high on a mixture of drugs and drunk. I grabbed my keys and we went for a drive, I just kept my foot on the accelerator, watching the speed go higher. I didn't realise but I had swerved onto the wrong side of the road and I hit another car. I killed Scarlett and badly injured everyone in the other car, I later found out that I killed their baby. The family were bringing their newborn baby home, the baby was 2 days old. I didn't go to jail, but I was on house arrest for a year and a half and the court ordered I go to rehab for 6 months. When I finished rehab, tommy and I moved to Budapest and he made me promise to never do drugs again"
Amelia was in tears and didn't know what to say to the girl next to her.
"Well there you go, now you know that I am a terrible person. I'm going, see you Amelia." Sophie got up and started to walk away when Amelia stopped her.
"Wait, where are you going, I told Addison you were coming home with me."
"I'm not a fucking child and sure as hell don't need a babysitter." She got into her car and left.

Addison's POV
Amelia came racing through the door "sh- she left she- she's go- gone"
"What do you mean she's gone. Where is she Amelia" I was panicking
"We talked and then I tried to get her to come back to my place, she got angry. She took off in her car."
"Well what the fuck did you say to her Amelia"
"Don't be a bitch to me Addison, she's your girlfriend. For your information I didn't say anything to her. I'm leaving." Amelia slammed the door behind her
I sat back down on the couch and buried her head in her hands.

Sophie's POV
I got in my car and drove off, I had a bag in my car of everything I would need to at least get me far enough away from everyone. I was filling my car up with gas when Amelia's name flashed across my phone.
"What do you want Amelia"
"Wherever your going, I'm coming with you,  I need to get the fuck out of here and now."
"What happened."
"Addison" I could hear the anger in he voice
"Im at the gas station, pack a bag, I'm coming to get you. No bullshit Amelia"
"They won't be here"
"See you soon." With that I hung up the phone
I finished filling up and headed to Amelia's house. Once I arrived I sent her a text;
To Amelia: I'm out the front. Let's go.
"So where are we going" Amelia asked as she climbed in the car.
"Budapest" I gave her a smile and we drive off.

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