episode 16; the chamber

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I won't let her hurt you. That's my job.

"Okay, so here's what I was thinking... we-"

"We're back!" Stephani yelled, walking in with the core four behind her. Madison and Ethan turned to them in shock, Madison internally panicking since they have no idea what to do now. Her plan wasn't 100% full proof and it had so many bugs in it that she desperately wanted Ethan's insight. But now that that wasn't going to happen, she didn't know what to do. She assumed she just had to carry it all out herself, with no help. Great.

They just stood there, inches apart since Ethan had leaned in to listen to Madison whisper. They didn't expect to see that, or the sight of the cave in general. Madison went to run her finger through her hair but then remembered it was slicked back. She forgot of her appearance and why she had changed into those clothes in the first place. And why she killed so many people in just under an hour. She looked to Benny and Erica, who walked in next to each other, staring at the girl with confused expressions on their faces. Veins quickly grew under Madison's eyes. Why should she help them? Why should she help them?

Fury grew inside of her and Stephani grinned at the sight since she was aware of what was happening. She strolled past Madison and to where the new blood bag was and smiled as she picked it up. "Perfect. Now we're all set."

"Peaches, would you be a dear and lead them all into the chamber room?" Madison, still staring Benny down, only averted her eyes away after she blatantly told them with a small smirk, "Follow me."

When they all went through a couple of different rooms, they finally made it to what they assumed to be the chamber room- whatever that meant. They soon found, though, why it was called the chamber room. Another steel chair bolted into the ground with hand locks and foot locks on it, making it easy to snap shut around someone's wrists and ankles to restrain them. It appeared to have another element to it, though, as if it wasn't just a regular seat.

There were ten available chains, all connecting to the stone wall, forcing whoever was chained up to be unable to escape without having to break it off its hinges or take the entire wall with them. Finally, there was a long table with what seemed to be a large rolled up napkin that you would get from a Mexican restaurant. But it was huge. Then, on the ground next to the table, there were what seemed to be garage tools, like a drill, a hammer, etc.

They had never been more confused and terrified. Rory saw everything and took a sharp breath in before casually turning around to exit and make a run for it, only to be face to face with Madison. "Where you going, Rory?"

"Uh- I was just- I have to use the bathroom." Madison tilted her head in a challenging manner. "Well, unfortunately I can't let you leave the room now, Rore. Now go ahead, if you have to go so badly, use that bucket over there. No one's stopping you." Rory let out a breathy laugh and turned around, putting one thumb in the air and signaling to the direction where everyone else was and where he was previously facing, "I'm just gonna- yeah."

"Good idea." Madison pressed a big button by the doorway with her thumb, triggering the thumbprint technique, and a large metal door came pounding down.

"We're fucked," Benny squealed in a high-pitched voice.

"Oh calm down, you'll be fine," Madison smiled, her fangs glowing in the dim light of the cavern. Benny winced and backed away.

Stephani made clicking sounds with her mouth. "My my my where do we even start?" She sneaked a smirk at Madison who graciously returned it.

The five of them all cowered in fear which only made the desire to torture them grow inside of Stephani. Madison was still just simply prideful.

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