episode 19; the emotion

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My walls broke down. And so did I. But my heart didn't.

What Benny, Sarah, Rory, Erica, and Ethan were witnessing, was truly, a horrible, horrible sight.

Knawing, knawing, at the decaying throat.

Screaming, screaming, piercing the ears, aching the hearts.

Crying, crying, the five of them were devastated.

Madison was a maniac. Her heart beating rapidly, her veins scratching against her skin, she was bathing in the luscious blood as it flowed into her blood stream. She closed her eyes and moaned at the pleasure, her eyes rolling to the back of her skull a few times as she grabbed two fistfuls of the red hair.

Wrapped up in the glory, she didn't even realize Stephani's head had broken off until it hit the floor with a thump.

Erica gasped and her breath got caught in her throat, she looked away and tried to hold back more vomit. Ethan was long gone. He was surrounded in it at this point. Benny was now crying like the big baby he is, holding his head in his hands. He started to wonder if taking someone's life in such a vicious way was necessary or if he should regret that he told Madison to do that. Rory was in shock. He didn't look away, but he had no words- or actions. Sarah had screamed and hid herself behind her hands, continuing to take peeks at the decapitated head on the ground.

Madison looked down at the dead body, and the head laying next to it. Her face was quivering and her whole body twitched with emotion. She picked up the head by the hair, looking Stephani in her lifeless eyes. She looked to the others, all of them looking at her in disgust.

Madison instantly fell to her knees, holding her head down, crying silently for a moment before tilting her head up and just screaming. The loud, painful, pleading screech released by a young girl who's innocence was taken from her too young, who's life was destroyed by a witch's selfishness. Her tears were a river down her face. She couldn't see anything through her eyes, but she felt the hair in her palm. She turned to her right and threw the head at the wall, creating a hole even bigger than the one next to it and behind Erica.

Madison stood up weakly, looking to the others who were in awe. None of them could've even imagined her shedding a single tear. And here she was, bawling her eyes out. She sped to each of them, one after another, starting with Benny, snapping the chains off of them like sticks. She has infinite power flowing through her.

She then stood aside, showing them a sad expression. Her lip was quivering and they all looked at her sadly-

all of them simultaneously running up to hug her.

Madison hasn't had a hug in years. Not since over two years ago with Benny. She melted into them, finally feeling. Just feeling. Something. Even if it is regret and pain. Tears continued to pour out, and for the first time in a long time, she let them.

After a while, she stepped back, laughing lightly, "Shit, I'm covered in blood."

"Oh, ew," Erica says looking at her designer shirt. Ethan looked at himself and turned around to throw up again. Sarah laughed. "We'll get you cleaned up."

"I'm proud of you, Mads," Rory cheerfully smiled. Madison giggled, continuing to cry.

She turned to Benny, and everything seemed to freeze. Her tears stopped falling, her heart stopped beating, and her pain dissolved into his eyes. "Benny, I-"

He walked up determined, and kissed her, both hands on either side of her face. She soaked in him, and he didn't seem to find the blood on her mouth repulsive.

"Awwww," Sarah cooed. Ethan smiled proudly, having recovered from his vomit. Rory did the same as Ethan, minus the barf.

"Hey!," Erica said defensively upon seeing them. She then paused a moment before examining her cut hand. "Eh, whatever, I don't really care anymore. I mean I can get anyone I wa-"

"Would you shut up? This is not about you," Sarah yelled at her. Erica rolled her eyes. Madison smirked into Benny's mouth.

When they pulled away, they smiled at each other, just taking in the moment. Of course, Rory had to ruin it by laughing and telling him, "Hey Benny, you have a little something on your chin."

Benny looked confused until he touched his mouth and looked at what came off: blood. "Oh, god." He held in his throw up. Madison pulled the sides of her mouth back while laughing softly, "sorry!"

Madison turned to see Erica staring at her, still paying attention to her hand. "OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED?" She suddenly appeared in front of Erica, taking her palm in hers, looking at the deep cut. "Oh, Jesus," Erica whispered, caught off guard by the teleportation.

"Why do you care?"

Madison ignored her and took a bite out of her own wrist. She stuffed it in Erica's mouth. "Drink. It should heal you right up, my blood is really strong right now."

Erica was taken aback, yet gripped onto the side of her hand and arm, drinking it like cold water in the middle of the night. "Yeah, drink up baby girl." Erica's eyes went wide until she released the wrist, embarrassed, "Yeah, that's enough."

Madison laughed. "Can we go now?" Ethan asked, "I don't know what I don't want to be around more- the decapitated head or my vomit."

"Yes, please, let's go," Madison begged. They all left, waiting for Madison to show them how the hell to get out of this place.

Benny put his arm around Madison as they walked out, her head laying on his shoulder.


They all decided to stay at Erica's since it turned out her parents were going to be away for longer than she anticipated. It only took them about half an hour to get back, but it was around 2 in the morning. Erica just opened the door since it hadn't been locked.

"Finally home," Erica groaned. "Thank god."

"I can't believe that actually happened," Sarah said. "Yeah, thanks to Madison," Ethan sighed, upset he had to go through that.

Madison, who had just stepped through the door, stopped short before Benny and just started crying like a fucking pussy.

"I'm sorry," she cried violently. "I'm sorry," she said again.

"Shit no! Please don't cry! I-I'm sorry!" Ethan ran up to her, a worried expression on his face.

"I'm sorry, I'm just going to be a little emotional for a little while." She hasn't shed a tear in two years, and all of her feelings and emotions had been bottled up for so long. And now that they're free to do whatever they please, they're running rapid.

"That's okay baby, I'll take care of you," Benny smiled deviously with a wink. Madison smiled back, wiping her tears.

"God why did you have to decapitate her," Sarah yelled out, "why just why? I'm never going to be able to get that image out of my head."

"You guys wanted me to kill her. That's the only way she could die."

"Actually?" Rory asked. "That's wicked."

"Literally," Sarah said.

There was a short silence before Madison started crying again. "What now?" Erica asked.

"I just love- I uh, you guys- I-" Madison quickly searched for words. She couldn't say that. She's only said that to very few people in her life. Sarah interrupted her.

"We love you too, Madison."

The vampire looked into her eyes sadly, glistening with tears, she broke again, enveloped in another hug in which she sunk into.

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