episode 10; the strength

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My mouth says I do it for me, but my heart knows I do it all for you.

   Benny, Sarah, and Ethan were standing by Ethan's locker, talking about the recent threats they've been given from the council. They were told to return the Lucifractor today or there would be... consequences.

   Benny peered over to a far away section of the hallway to look at four muscular vampires from the council, all staring the three down. Two more than last time. They were supposed to watch them leave and make sure they didn't leave empty handed. And if they did, they were told to take action. Why they needed four vampires to do that, he can't piece together.

   While watching their emotionless expressions and posture, he saw the one furthest right get almost yanked into the room he was standing by.

   The other vampires noticed, and when they did, they entered the room prepared to rip someone's throat out. If it wasn't weird enough how a strong deadly creature was randomly absorbed into a room, none of the four ever came out.

   Instead, Madison did, wiping the corners of her mouth free of blood and discarding it on her tongue.

   Benny's eyes widened and he looked to Sarah and Ethan, gesturing to the scene when they hadn't even seen what had occurred prior.

   Madison strutted up to them, high heels clicking powerfully against the floor of the high school.

   "Hey babes. How was school today?"

   Ethan was about to respond when Sarah began to freak out. "Madison! What the hell are you doing here? You and your family... disappeared from this town two years ago and all of a sudden your old classmates see you back? You can't-"

   "Oh quiet, Sarah. If my best friends don't recognize me after two years, a slight mutation, and a car crash of puberty then I doubt any of these losers will."

   Sarah calmed down realizing Madison was right.

   "As long as they don't see you without makeup in an oversized hoodie I think you're good. You look like the old innocent Madison when you-" Ethan stopped talking when he met Madison's eyes. She had a look of disgust and despise on her face.

   "You get it," he finished.

   "Well I'll be sure to continue to wear a shit ton of makeup and my badass clothing. Wouldn't want to scar you guys like that again," she apologized. Sarah rolled her eyes.

   "Hey what ever did happen to Mr and Mrs Mitchell?" Benny asked out of curiosity.

   Madison's heart sunk for a moment. She remembered it.

   Madison stared up at Stephani as the red head grabbed a couple of knives off a small table in the corner of the cavern, her blood pulsing with every breath.

   Stephani had just dragged Madison into a separate room, and in front of her was a glass, or plastic like box that was sectioning a part of the room from the other.

   Madison had been begging her to see her parents for weeks and just a little while ago, when Madison asked, Stephani brought her here.

   "Where are my parents you cunt muscle! Where the fuck are they? You promised me I'd get them back if I did what you said!" She threw up her arms. "And here I am, altered and demonic just like you wanted! So where are they?"

   The red head tilted her head back, then sighed. "Fine. You want your stupid fucking parents back? Here you go."

   A smile crept on Madison's face for the first time in weeks. She could finally see her parents, tell them she was alright, that they were all going to be alright. Things could all go back to normal. A few.. minor adjustments, but her life would be amazing again. Once they all go back home.

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