episode 7; the jealousy

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You might not be mine right now, but you will be. I want you all to myself. And I get what I want.

 Madison was patiently pacing the halls of Whitechapel High, waiting for the arrival of the blonde.

She was wearing a black, skin tight crop top, paired with black cargo pants and combat boots. The old her wouldn't even look in the direction of an outfit like that.

She cringed remembering she once wore bright colors.

Madison looked at her wrist with a sigh. "Oh yeah, I don't have a watch." She looked down the empty halls remembering the orientation she attended with Benny and Ethan. Sarah and Erica showed them around a bit after hours. They were so excited to finally start Highschool together. But she left that summer, days before the first day of school.

She sometimes wonders how her life would be different if she stayed. One of her guilty pleasures.

They obviously found their own way into the supernatural world. Well, Grandma Weir had humored them prior, but now they're practically drowning in the nonsense.

She shook the thought from her mind and tried to focus on how confident and happy she was now. Happy... right?

Soon later, she heard a set of heels clicking down the hallway. She turned her head and a smirk played on her lips when she saw the tall blonde vampire.

Being a vampire suits her, she thought.

"Erica!" Madison squealed. Erica turned to her and bushed up her eyebrows. "Uh, yeah, that's me."

Madison rolled her eyes. Great, someone else who doesn't recognize me.

"Maybe I shouldn't wear so much makeup."

"Uh- I'm sorry what? Listen I don't know who you are but I'm trying to find my boyfriend." Erica tried to look past the brunette but Madison stepped in front of her.

"Okay seriously, girl you needa move."

Madison tilted her head challengingly. Erica sighed and scoffed. "Are you from the council? Listen I don't know where the Lucifract thing is, okay?"

"Oh I don't care about that," Madison said. "I'm more curious about something else."

"I'm going to give you one last chance little girl," Erica warned, letting out a low hiss and allowing her eyes to turn a light shade of purple. "Back off."

Madison faked a frightened expression which made Erica smile. But it quickly dissolved.

"Little? Ouch. Come on I grew a whole inch! And I think the small heels help a bit."

"Excuse me? Who the hell do you think you are?"

"Either I need to stop wearing makeup or you're just too self centered to realize that I'm that bitch that went with you when you got your first bikini wax in the ninth grade."

Erica's jaw dropped. "Madison?" she breathed out.

"The one and only."

"You- but you-" A smile crept onto Erica's face but instantly faded when she remembered Madison's history with her boyfriend. "What are you doing here?"

"I see you've become a vampire. Cute little duo you and your warlock boy toy make then, huh?" Madison entirely dissed her question.

"Uh, yeah, I guess. I'm supposed to meet him here, what do you want?" Erica crossed her arms.

"Oh you're not meeting him, honey."

"I beg your pardon?"

"That text you got was from me, not him. I took his phone."

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