episode 9; the ring

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Go ahead, take advantage of me when I'm weak. Enjoy having the upper hand while it lasts.

   Benny turned off the coffee machine with a sigh. The council was practically at his throat as well as Ethan and the vamps. They really needed Madison to handle it before they were dead.

   She's been getting so distracted. She was going to do it several times but she just got... sidetracked. Because of me? Nah.

   It's crazy how's she's changed so much. Not saying I'm completely opposed to it, she's definitely gotten even more beautiful than she already was. Somehow.. And she finally has the confidence she always should've had. But something still seems off. Like, she's not being entirely genuine with the whole mean and evil act.

   Actually, yesterday she was... apologetic and... considerate. She showed she cared about me, but I don't think I should believe it. But she did take care of me... But she also left me alone two years ago.

   But God, why can't I stop thinking about her, I should stop thinking about-

   Just then, Benny heard a loud scream of his name. Certainly got him paying attention. Although he didn't have much time to react as in a matter of a second, Madison was in front of him with an extremely worried expression on her face.

   Her hair was a mess, she was in an oversized Cartoon Network t-shirt, and she didn't have any makeup on.

   "Madison? Are you alright-"

   "No! No, I am not alright! Where is my ring?" she yelled.

   "What? Ring? I-"

   "Where is it, Benny? You're the only one who could've taken it!" she accused.

   "I didn't take your stupid ring. I didn't even notice you had one." Benny looked down at her hands and she had multiple other rings.

   Madison looked into his eyes and her pupils softly dilated as well as his as she asked, "Did you honestly not know I had a ring?"

   "I never realized you had a ring," he said in a monotone voice.

   Madison sighed and Benny popped out of his trance.

   "You didn't believe me?" he questioned, surprised.

   "Why should I?" Madison mimicked in a mocking tone.

   Benny scoffed. "What's so important about that ring anyway?"

   Madison just looked at the ground, panic growing inside of her. She mumbled something under her breath.


   "Nothing, just help me find it, would ya?"


   Madison went upstairs to her bedroom- the last place she knew she had it on.

   "Okay look under the bed, in every knick and corner, dig into the carpet if you have to, I need to find this ring!" she yelled as Benny was still making his way to the room.

   She quickly began to throw things across the room, searching at an inhumane speed.

   "Madison! Slow down! What- what's the big deal it's just a ring!" Benny told her when he came in.

   Madison stood up and slowly turned to face him, veins sprouting from under her eyelids. "It's not just a ring."

   "Uh- I'm sorry, did it have sentimental.. uh, value?" Benny asked, trying to hide his fright.

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