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"Come on, here we are" I felt someone shaking my shoulder and I saw that it was Katarina.  I woke up slowly when I heard the voice of that annoying man "Get up and hurry, we have arrived, I don't have to call you twice, you won't be well", I rolled my eyes at this.  If anything is good in this situation, at least I will never see that person again.  We all hurried and went out on deck.

The sight I caught left me breathless.  Istanbul is the most beautiful city I have ever seen.  I can tell you that I saw many cities thanks to my father who is a spice merchant and who always took us on trips with him.  But I have never seen a city like this before.Maybe if I had come here in other circumstances I would have been overjoyed to visit this city but in this situation I just want to get out of here.

We were in the market where We're waiting to be sold. Suddenly a man's voice said, "This girl, I want this girl, I'll give you 30 gold for her," he looked at me shamelessly, measuring me, an old man who could be my father.

"It's a little money bey, at least 50 gold coins." I thought they would give up on me but he didn't give up "My last offer is 45 gold coins" I thought I was done, He's going to sell me to this old man and I'm going to have to serve him my whole life. I turned around and saw I was close to the sea. If he sells me to him, I'll jump. I would never go with him.

He was on his way to answer him when Some voice came out "Wait, I want to buy all these girls" Everyone made room for a strange man in even stranger clothes named Zumbul Aga to come.  "You'll get a bag of gold" "It's a little agha" Zumbul agha looked at him grimly "Here's another bag of gold and that's the most you'll get, now run away to pass" "Come on girls fast, quick!  "

“Where are we going agha and who are you? ” asked one smaller blonde named Isabela.  "I am taking you to the harem, you now all belong to the harem of Sultan Bayazit."  the girls began to whisper to each other, some laughed some were confused."What?" I asked confused. "Calm down Elena  , It's definitely better to go to the harem than to be sold to those people" Said Katharina.
"Do you really think you'il be better off here?The Sultan may be even older and uglier than that man from a little while ago!"i said very angry because of this whole situation.

We arrived in front of a magnificent and tall palace called Topkapi Palace. ""Stand in line" "Keep your heads upright" "My name is Nigar Kalfa and you are in the harem. The ones I choose go to the hammam. Let the doctor come and examine them. Get the others out of here." She chose carefully who's going to stay and who's going to leave, and it was my turn. She looked at me closely and in the end she chose me. " We got to the hammam and that's where the doctors came to examine us  "Leave me alone , don't touch me!" I started yelling at them.Women whose name is Nigar slapped me  "Calm down, girl, and don't be stupid, you're pretty smart and beautiful , you can use it wisely" Hatun, be smart and take this opportunity. If you like the sultan, you can become his favorite, if you give birth to a prince, you will become a sultan, perhaps more powerful than the sultan Hurrem is." "Sultana Hurrem? She is said to be so powerful and so beautiful that no one will ever have the power and influence like her."
"Maybe no one will be as powerful as she is but maybe someone will be more powerful than her, think about this". I was confused and everything I wanted right now was rest and i not think about the future.

After the examination, they took us to the room where we all stayed.  There were Zumbul agha and Nigar kalfa with one older woman. "As you know now you belong to the harem of Sultan Bayazit, my name is Daye hatun and my main job is to maintain order in the harem. Later valide and sultan mihrimah will come to see you." she looked at us sternly. "Starting tomorrow, you're going to learn Turkish language, quran, playing instruments, dancing ... "

3rd person's pov....
"Sultana, Zumbul agha has arrived. " Said the maid who served the hurrem sultan "let him in" "valide Sultan, mihrimah sultan " Zumbul agha bowed "The new slaves that  you ordered me to buy have arrived" "Excellent, I will come later to see them, you may go."  Hurrem waved her hand away and Zumbul agha receded.

"Listen to me carefully! When valide sultan and sultan mihrimah comes Or other members of the dynasty, you should bow and you do not look them in the eye." Nigar kalfa explained to us what we should do.

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