Chapter 1

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I'm Kurt and this is my Story

It was the first day of school and like every other day, between every lesson or at lunch time even in the corridors David Karofsky always does something to me, he pushes me in the lockers or call me names because I was the first McKinley gay kid that came out of the closet and because of that my life became miserable. I auditioned for the Glee Club and they say that the Glee Club members are a bunch of losers so it was more miserable but in the Glee Club I felt accepted, they accepted me for who I am, I made friends and I have a lot of fun when I'm with them. In the beginning there were only a few members but they grew and we were twelve members at all. There was Mercedes my best friend.She is fashionble so we have everything in common, then there was Tina she had a fake stutter and made friends with Artie, a guy in a wheelchair, Then there was Rachel berry she thinks that she can have everything, all the leads of every song but then in the middle of the scholastic year we became friends cause we have the same interests. That we want to go to a school in New York, we even auditioned together and became close, her boyfriend Finn Hudson the quarterback, I don't know how became my Stepbrother!, he is so helpful and is a good leader.There were other members that supported me and helped every step of the way or when I got into trouble, but then my life changed cause I was sick of David karofsky bullying me around and pushing me into the lockers and calling names I was sick of that so I stood up for myself, when their football practise finished I went into the guy's lockers room and found him there. When everyone left I gave him a piece of my mind and started to shout at him but unfortunately he leaned in and kissed me. The kiss was full of anger and I never knew my first kiss would be like this. I didn't talk to him but I didn't tell anyone about the kiss.
One day I telled my dad everything that was happening and Burt and Carole spent all their honeymoon money to transfer me to a private school Dalton Academy, there we had to wear uniforms and they were all strict,the teachers and headmasters but the kids there are so awesome and helpful.
It was my last day at McKinley High School and it was time for Glee club. I told them that I was going to Transfer to Dalton and everyone sang to me a goodbye song, tears were going to fall from my face but then I said
"I promise that I will keep in touch with you,we can go to breadstix or somewhere especially you Mercedes we can go shopping when I have some free time but I am going to miss you guys so much" I stood up and hugged them all then I left without saying another word.

I was at home when Burt came in and told me
"Don't worry everything is going to be alright buddy we are going to miss you so much but it is the best for you, you know we love you so much" he cried a bit and I went to hug him and then I said to him
"I know dad I love you so much and I am going to miss you and Carole even Finn" with a bit laughter at the end, I continued to pack and then Burt took me to Dalton. I know that my life will change from now on.

I arrived at Dalton and talked to the Headmaster about my dorm and classes. "So Kurt your classes is on this paper you have your timetable here they begin at nine o'clock and end at two thirty in the afternoon, your dorm is at the Windsor house, there are three types of houses Windsor, Stuart and Hanover" he said to me, then I said
"Thankyou I should be going now to unpack my things."
"have fun and welcome" he said with a bit of laughter , than I thanked him and went to my dorm house, My dorm was at the second floor and the guy's in Windsor were all crazy but they were fun.

The other day my classes had ended and I was walking down the stairs when all the guy's were rushing down the stairs all heading in the same direction. I stopped a guy and told him
" I'm sorry but can you tell me what is happening here cause I'm new and I don't know what's happening at all."
"oh welcome then, the Warblers are singing the Glee club here is popular come on come with me" he said he looked nice

he grabbed my hand and took me down the hall and then he said
"now excuse me cause I have to sing"

he was the lead singer here when he started to sing I loved his voice and I was starting to like this guy. He started to sing :

Before you met me I was alright
but things were kinda heavy you brought
me to life now every February you'll be my
Valentine,Valentine let's go all the way tonight
no regrets just love we can dance until we
die you and I we'll be young forever

When he was singing I listened to him quietly and stared at those beautiful green eyes singing and dancing with the other warblers backing up for him.

At Dinner I gathered with three other guys and they introduced theirselfs. One was David he had black hair and dark skin and he was tall, the other one was Wes he was the same size as me with black hair and brown eyes then the other guy that held my hand a few hours ago was named Blaine, he had gorgeuos green eyes and black gelled hair and was a bit shorter than me, he was cute.Then shyly I asked "Can I ask you a question? are you all gay?" They stood staring at me when blaine opened his mouth
"well no, I am but these two have girlfriends" I kept staring then I said to myself that I had someone to talk to because if I have a problem I can talk to Blaine.

Every Morning me and Blaine would go get some coffee at the Lima Bean before class, we talked alot about our lives.
"So tell me something about you" Blaine said with a smile,
"well I don't have many to say, I transfered here because I was threatned and being bullied but I had friends there and I really miss them, I like fashionable clothes and singing and dancing" I said,
"You can sing ?" he said
"well, yeah" I said proud of myself
"now enough about me I want to now something about you now" I said.
"well we have the same problem I was bullied too in my other school but when I transfered to Dalton my life changed I felt accepted I know what your problem is about being gay because I went trough that too, I am the lead singer in the warblers and my dorm is in Windsor" he said laughing a bit,
"I am in Windsor too" I said
"so come on get up we have to go now or we will be late you can come with me because now we have about three classes with each other and our dorm is in front of each other if you know that" he said laughing. Then we stood up and went to our dorm together we talked and laughed when we were walking our way back.

When we entered Windsor we walked together until we reached our dorms and said our goodbye's, he had no roomate and neither did I, then I went into my room.

This is a new start of a beautiful friendship.

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