Chapter 3

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It was about Midnight and for every Windsor guy to join the warblers they throw him a party.
Now it was Kurts turn and they were preparing everything outside in the front garden.They had beer,crisps and so much more the guys were all settled and Wes, David and Blaine went to Kurt's room and grabbed him up and pulled him downstairs. Blaine didn't want to wake him up because he said that Kurt looks cute when he is asleep but they had to wake him up.

When they were in the garden they put him down on the grass and waked him up. Kurt was confused and started to get angry because they woke him up in the middle of the night, Blaine gave him some coffee and it calmed him down. Wes and David left Blaine and Kurt alone together to talk,
Blaine with a laugh told Kurt
"now I know what I can give you to calm you down"
And Kurt laughed.

Kurt noticed Sebastian near a table with a beer in his hand and told Blaine about him and Blaine said
"well he is the Stuart house prefect and he is in the warblers and sometimes loves to cause some trouble"
Kurt then said
"oh is he,! I met him yesterday, well I bumped into him and my books fell on the floor and he helped me picking them up, that is all that I talked to him because it was just for a second" Blaine laughed a bit "well if you want you can go talk to him or you could stay with me and talk to me" Blaine said, but I decided to wake up from the grass still in my pajamas and went to talk to Sebastian, for a hello he said to me "hi beautiful how are you today?" I stood with my mouth open cause no one ever called me that until now and I responded "hi I'm good" that was all what came out of my mouth. Blaine came up to us and Sebastian said
"hi Anderson" and Blaine replied with a sigh
"Sebastian" he looked a little angry of what I saw and grabbed Blaine away and talked to him
"why are you angry?" I said to him and Blaine responded
"it's a long story" I was curious and I wanted to hear the story so I told him "would you tell me I need to get to know you better you know" and Blaine smiled and with a sigh he began talking
"well when I told you he was a trouble maker, he love causing troubles? I told you that because we did have a fight and it was about a boy who I started to like .....if you feel uncomfortable tell me" but then he continued
"when he saw that I was starting to like that guy he came in and took him away from me, he made him all his and I never saw him again that's why I don't like Sebastian cause I never had a boyfriend and when I start to like someone he comes in and take him away as usual and I don't want it to happen again this time" then I said
"this time ?" A little bit confused and Blaine replied
"yeah cause I am starting to like this someone and I don't know what to tell him and I really like him" when he said those words I felt my heart beating fast like someone stabbed it with something and it was the end for me. Blaine saw me a bit worried but then he said while laughing a bit
"you don't have to worry you know cause this someone I like is standing in front of me" I took a deep breath but then I realized that I was standing in front of him , I was the guy that he likes and I said nothing I couldn't open my mouth .

It was like 1:00am when everyone was starting to head back to his room and sleep until classes began ,we all did ,me and Blaine went to our room and said our goodbye's and we entered and fell asleep immediately


Classes had ended very quickly today and when I was out of my English class I saw Blaine waiting for me but then I told him "so this is going to be a thing now waiting for me and we go to warbler practice together ?" He responded with a nod and a smile and I laughed. In warbler practice Blaine stood up and told everyone
"so you know the carnival fest is arriving and for us it is tomorrow so we have no school dress casual and we can go to the fest all together" I was confused and told them
"wait what carnival fest what is happening here?" Blaine then told me
"every year we have a carnival fest we have a whole day with no school and we can go to the fest right downtown and we have really fun there" and I nodded like a I-understand-look.

When warbler practice ended Blaine and i went to the Lima bean and I told him
"so remember that I told you you could meet my best friend Mercedes so today here she is she will come here in about five to ten more minutes cause glee practice end up in about five minutes" Blaine stood open mouthed and he said
"oh it's today then that I can get to meet your fabulous friend" and then he said
"so are you excited for the carnival fest ?" And I said "
well I am scared of roller coasters and ferris wheels so I don't know " laughing then he said
"so I know this about you and you should know that I'm scared of that too, we can do it together" I replied with a nod and a smile.

When I saw Mercedes coming in trough the door I stood up and went to hug her. We walked together to the table where Blaine was still sitting, Blaine stood up and shook her hand and said
"hi nice to meet you Kurt told me a lot about you" she smiled and said
"yeah so do you you know he always talks about how cute you are and things like that" I started to blush and hit Mercedes In her foot from under the table and Blaine smiled. We talked and talked but than Mercedes said
"so are you two going out cause if you do you have to come clean?" We said no at the same time but I didn't know what was going to happen or when or where. I started talking to myself and said that he said he liked me yesterday and was a bit flirty.
It was time to go and we said bye to Mercedes and went back to Dalton.

It was about 6:00pm. We were walking up the stairs when Blaine said
"do you wanna come in or something we can watch movie or something or play twister I have that too here because Wes and David always play it " I laughed and nodded I went in and saw his big flat screen TV hanging on the wall
"can we watch a movie first I haven't seen one In ages now " I said laughing
"we can watch the notebook if you want " Blaine said
"OK fine with me" I said. He pulled out his rack of movies and found the notebook, he started the film and we went on his sofa in front of the bed and saw it when it reached the end I started to cry and blaine came in and hugged me and from that moment we were snuggling and hugging on the sofa just because I cried. It felt great being held in someone's hand but then Blaine said "why don't we play twister now it will be fun and we will not cry" then I agreed with a nod.

He was putting it on the floor when it was ready we started to play but we always had to fall within five minutes and every time we fell we laughed so hard, we continued to play but this time Blaine was feeling hot so he took his shirt off and as usual I stared at those beautiful abs of his and he laughed everytime I stared and then he said
"if you want you can take it off too because you are sweating I can tell" I laughed and took of my shirt. Blaine stared as well and then I said
"I am not the only one then , that stares to someone's abs you know" and we laughed. We continued to play but suddenly Blaine fell on his back on the floor and then I fell right onto him and I blushed a little, our bodies were touching with each other but then Blaine stood his head up a bit and leaned in and kissed me it was filled with passion, I returned the kiss. We were still kissing passionately but then I said
" well I should go" still standing on him but he said
"no stay I don't want you to go you can spend the night here if you want, we don't have to do nothing you know , you can sleep on my bed and I sleep on the sofa" I stared at those beautiful green eyes and said
"well I am going to stay but I'm not going to let you sleep on the sofa it is your room you know" he laughed and then we agreed that I could stay over and leaned in to kiss him one more time,it still was filled with passion and love and then we pulled the covers and got into bed. We slept because we were tired.

I was starting to like him more every time I look into his green eyes. I think this was the beginning of my first relationship with a guy that I like.

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