Chapter 5

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Kurt's POV

It was another beautiful day and me and Blaine were still sleeping. I woke up first and shook Blaine so he could wake up as well
"Blaine, come on wake up" I said while I was pecking a kiss on his cheek. He then opened his beautiful hazel eyes and looked at me and said
"just a little bit more" and I grabbed a pillow and started to hit him with it and he had to wake up, and after a few minutes of doing a pillow fight then I got to my room And went to change into the old same routine, my uniform. So did Blaine , then I went and knocked on his door and we went downstairs.


They had about three classes today together so they could spend more time together.

Their first class was beginning and they walked into the classroom and sat in their places, And of course Blaine and Kurt sat near each other.

Kurt's POV

I was still tired and Blaine and I sat on our chairs as usual.
Blaine started to pass notes and I returned them
Blaine: hi beautiful tonight I am going to take you out on a date if that's okay with you
Kurt: ohh yeah well I will have time I would like to go out with you and you look beautiful too.
Blaine: so tonight breadstix at eight wear some thing nice.
Kurt: aren't you going to pick me up?
Blaine: not this time cause before that I have to go pick up something
Kurt: okay then. See you at warbler practice then ?
Blaine: see you there xxx

Classes were nearly over and warbler practice was about to begin. I went to find my place in the room and talked to David and Wes a bit before everyone would come in.
Everyone was settled down but there was some one missing and it was Blaine.
Then the door opened and Blaine came in gorgeous as ever, he went to talk to the council and said if he could sing a song, everyone agreed. He gave them the tape and started to sing.
Every word he was singing was singing it to me. He looked me in the eyes and sang to me. It was so nice and I really liked it.
When he was singing the words I listened carefully and knew that he was talking about later tonight on our first date.

Something big I feel it happening
under my control
Pushing pulling and its grabbing me feel it in my bones
Like woah oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Something big is happening

When the song was coming to an end everyone burst out in applause and so did I, I walked up to him and gave him a hug .

When warbler practice ended me and Blaine walked up the stairs together and we both went to our rooms to get dressed.
I was deciding what to wear and then I chose to wear a blue silk tuxedo with black polished shoes.I did my hair and then went out of my room and out of the doors of Dalton.
I took a taxi to go to breadstix because he needed to go somewhere else before our date.
When I arrived I walked in and sat on a table that Blaine had already reserved for us and I stood there waiting for him.
He didn't took long and when he came in from those doors I couldn't get my eyes of him and neither did he.
He was wearing a black tuxedo and holding a red rose in his hand , he came near me and before he sat he gave me the rose and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed a little.
We ordered food and it didn't take long for us to eat it and when we were done we talked a little drinking some wine in our hand and Blaine said to me
"you look beautiful you know that, you really are" I smiled and said to him
"you are gorgeous too you know that and everyone knows that, you are the hottest guy I had ever met ." and he said
"you are hot to you know" when we were ready and done to go , Blaine paid the woman and we went out of the door grabbing my hand.

We took a taxi and went back to Dalton, when we arrived we went near our rooms and as usual I went into Blaine's room. When he opened the door I grabbed his tie and pushed him onto me and he kissed me deeply and then he said whispering in my ear
"I love you" I stared for a moment but then I said
"I love you too" I kissed him and he returned it, he was starting to take my blazer and shirt off and I did too in a second we were on top of each other with our stomachs touching. I could feel his abs and then we started to kiss but this time we didn't stop. After a few kissing and making out we were tired and went to sleep I went to get my pajamas and slept in his room.
He cuddled me until I slept on his hands. I really liked Blaine and now I told him that I love him and he loved me back .

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