Chapter 4

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It was the day of the carnival fest everybody was awake and downstairs ready to go but Blaine and Kurt weren't, they even weren't awake yet.

Kurt's POV

When I woke up and saw that it was 10:00am I shook Blaine to wake him up and said to him
"Blaine come on wake up, we need to go we are half an hour late, I am going to go change okay I will come back and we go downstairs together" Blaine nodded and I left to go change. I was ready to go, I was wearing a black and white striped skin tight jeans with some converse shoes and a white shirt.

I was out of my room and knocking on Blaine's door to come out, he did he stood there in front of me wearing a black polo shirt with red skin tight jeans and white converse with yellow sunglasses. He looked gorgeous I couldn't get my eyes of him and neither did he. Then we walked down the stairs together and everyone was shouting because we were late.

The transport was outside waiting for us.

When we arrived at the carnival fest, me and Blaine first went to the photo booth and took about five pictures, the first one was a happy face, the second one was a funny face, the third one was a puppy dog face and then it came to the fourth one Blaine decided that he kisses me on the cheek for the fourth one and he did and for the fifth I did the same. When we went out of the booth we took the photos and went to buy some candyfloss, when Blaine was eating his, he grabbed a piece of mine and stuffed it into my mouth like he was feeding me,it was funny so I did the same.

Then we went on the rollercoaster and we were both so scared but we had to overcome our fears so we did, when we were ready sat down on the seat the roller coaster was beginning to take off and I held Blaine's hand and he held it back.

When the ride was done we walked to see what we should do next and we saw the lake of love, I said
"why dont we try this out " then Blaine with a smile said
"yeah let's try it out it looks nice" and then we went in, we had to sit on a red boat and the boat takes us into a tunnel at first it was dark but then red and pink lights were showing and we could see big coloured hearts hanging from the top of the tunnel.

I felt something coming close to me and something leaned on me and someones lips were touching mine , I knew it was Blaine because I felt Blaine's soft lips on mine before and then he was kissing me soft and passionately I returned the kiss. The kiss was long enough for me to realize I Was falling more in love with Blaine,our hands were touching and we grabbed each other waist and kissed more. Then we stopped and held onto each others hand and the ride was over.

When we were walking to see what we can do we saw a group of girls and boys staring at us and I knew them ,they were my friends. There was Mercedes, Rachel,Quinn,Santana,Brittany,Finn,Puck,Artie,Tina and Mike.
We talked for a bit but then I realized that everyone was staring at our hands, then I noticed that I was till holding Blaine's hands and blushed a little. Then I told them
"well I .....we just were scared of the dark" Blaine agreed with me and said
"yeah we were"
Then Rachel said
"why won't we go on the biggest roller coaster here?" Everyone agreed and me and Blaine were a bit scared and look at each other and at the same time we said "well... I ....guess yeah okay.."

We began to walk to get to the rollercoaster, when we arrived near it we saw that it seemed scary but Blaine grabbed my hands again and I smiled and he returned it. When we were sitting in our seats the rollercoaster began slow and then it came so fast that we shouted a lot. Me and Blaine were terrified and our hands were still holding but now as tight as ever, when the ride ended we took a sigh of relief and smiled again.
"We should hed back home now because it is getting late" Finn said
Everyone agreed when they were saying their goodbye's I went to hug everyone and they left.
Me and Blaine were heading back to Dalton, when we arrived Sebastian came up to me and with a smile and he said
"hi Kurt would you like to go see a movie or something" when I was going to talk Blaine cut in and said
"no we have plans sorry" I stared at Blaine and said
"what plans?" A little bit confused then with a laugh he said
"you'll see", I turned back to Sebastian and told him that I wasn't able and we could do it another day, he looked a little angry but then agreed.

Me and Blaine were walking up the stairs and this time I invited Blaine over, he came in and then I said
"Blaine we kissed a few times now and I don't know if we have something going on"
Blaine said
"why don't you tell me than what we have"
And I responded and said
"well I don't know you said you liked me before"
And with a smile he said
"well don't you like me back?"
"Well yeah of course I like you" I said shy
Blaine than looked happy and said
"well I have to say something to you"
I was confused but responded with a "what?"
He grabbed me by my waist, pulled me closer to him and kissed me but it didn't last long and said
"I know you like me kissing you and I have to say that I like it too" I blushed a little when he said those words and he continued
"Kurt Hummel will you be my boyfriend?" I stood there with an open mouth, I was so happy and I wanted to be with him so I sai " yes yes I will"
Blaine leaned in and kissed me one more time, but this time it was wonderful and more passionate I returned the kiss and it lasted for minutes.

It was the beginning of a new story,
My story my relationship and with the one I loved. The first boy I fell in love with.

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