Chapter 8

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The next morning they woke up laying next to each other on the bed because last night they fell asleep while watching the movie.

Kurt woke up and left a note on Blaine's bedside table and the note said:
Dear Blaine,
I went to my room to get dressed, don't forget that we have to go to the Lima bean as usual for coffee.

When Blaine woke up and read the note he smiled and started to get dressed then went to knock on Kurt's door. In a minute Kurt and Blaine were walking down the stairs and out the door of Windsor.

Blaine began to talk and said "you look handsome today" and I responded with a smile "well thank you but I'm wearing my usual uniform you know?" And then Blaine laughed at me and said "well first of all you look handsome in every way and second of all I am telling you that you are imperfectly perfect" when he said those words I blushed a bit and responded the same words he told me a minute ago.

When we arrived at the Lima bean we went up to the counter and Blaine said to the lady "A coffee for me and a hot mocha for this man" and then I said "you know my coffee order?" And he said smiling "of course dummy". Then we grabbed our drinks and went to sit in our usual sitting place. I began to talk and said to him " well Blaine,Rachel is having a party at her home would you like to come with me? And Blaine smiling said "I love to come with you" and I nodded and grabbed his hand, holding it on the table. He grabbed it back and then he said "I love you" and I responded "I love you too"

When we were done drinking our coffee's we stood up heading to the door, and when I was opening the door I bumped into Sebastian,he kept staring in my eyes but I cut the gaze because I knew that Blaine was feeling uncomfortable.
Sebastian then said "hi beautiful" but I kept staring at him with an open mouth and Blaine said angrily "first of all Sebastian, he's my beautiful and not yours, and second of all he's my boyfriend and not yours so back off" I stared at Blaine but then looked at his eyes and grabbed his hand and we continued to walk out the door leaving Sebastian standing there.

When we arrived back at Dalton Rachel called and began to say "hi Kurt and hi Blaine, so are you coming to my party?" I had put it to in speaker before she started to talk and then Blaine said "hi Rachel, and yes we are coming to your party" Rachel smiled and said "okay then see you there" and we said bye and continued to walk up the stairs.
We went to Blaine's room first and we picked up some clothes for him to wear. I have n seen Blaine in his normal clothes only once and I was so excited to see him again tonight. When I was searching his wardrobe I found what he could wear and I pulled them out of the wardrobe and showed them to him. I showed him a skin tight yellow jeans and a white polo shirt with a green bowtie. Blaine liked the choice and agreed. Then I went to my room to prepare what I was going to wear.
When I was in my room I was picking my outfit ,when blaine came in and said to me "you have a lot of clothes" and I jumped because I didn't know he was in here and then I replied "Blaine you scared me and yes I do have alot of clothes". I smiled and laughed at the same time.

He leaned in and kissed me passionately, it lasted for a couple of minutes with his hand on my back of my neck pulling me closer and I grabbing him from his waist. He then pushed me onto the bed and he began to take my shirt off and in a couple of seconds we were there laying next to each other. I really love Blaine and someday we can make it work even now.
We realized that it was getting late and Rachel's party was at 8:00p.m till late and now was 6:00p.m and we had to get ready.

Blaine went to his room to take a shower and get dressed and I did the same.
When we were ready Blaine came knocking on my door and I opened it for him. He was holding a beautiful rose in his hand. He stood down on one knee and said holding the rose " can I escort you to the party my love?" I was speechless so I just nodded. We went down walking hand in hand talking when I said "did I tell you that I love you?" And he said smiling "well you did many times" and laughing I said "well I'm going to say it again I love you Blaine Anderson" and blaine smiled looking into my eyes not breaking the gaze and he said "I love you too handsome" I smiled and we kept walking, in a minute we were out of Dalton and into a cab.


When we reached Rachel's house we got out of the cab and knocking on Rachel's door. She opened the door and said "welcome guys come on in" we said hi and went in. At first it wasn't fun but then it began to be fun for all of us. We drank so much alcohol especially Blaine but I didn't drink that much. Rachel came up with an idea that we should play truth or dare and we did. Rachel began to spin the bottle and it landed on me so Rachel asked me "soo truth or dare?" And I said "truth" she was thinking about a question and then it came to her ,she said "do you love Blaine ?" And I smiled, turned to blaine and said "yes I do, I am in love with Blaine" everybody started to cheer and clap and then Rachel spinned the bottle again but this time it landed on Blaine. Rachel asked him if it was truth or dare and he wanted a dare so Rachel was thinking again and then she said "well OK then I dare you to kiss Kurt on the lips in front of everyone" he smiled and leaned in to kiss me. The kiss was more passionate not like the other normal kisses, this time it was more filled with love and passion. I returned the kiss and everyone  began to cheer and I heard Santana say "oh you guys look cute together" and I smiled. The kiss lasted long and then we stopped so we could continue to play the game.
After a few more playing we sang and danced but then we were all tired and drunk but not that much.
Me and Blaine said our goodbyes and left to go back to Windsor it was about 11:50p.m and we were So tired. When we arrived Blaine crashed into my room and we slept together.

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