Chapter 13

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When we were back at Dalton everyone came and started to tell us if our trip was good or if we had fun and we did have fun but now Blaine and I we need a long nice nap because we were tired.

When we walked on our way upstairs Wes and David came up to us and started to talk and talk but I wasn't hearing a word they were saying, I was only thinking of my bed that I want to be in right now and have a long nice nap.
"Earth to Kurt are you hearing a word we're saying ?" I heard Wes say.
"Yeah yeah" I said
"What were we saying then?" David said laughing a bit in the end.
I looked at Blaine so he could help me but he wasn't on earth either.
"Hey don't blame it all on me even Blaine isn't focusing" I said with an explanation.
"Oh come on guys let us have a nap we will tell you everything later" Blaine said tired as ever.
They nodded and we continued walking until we reached our rooms.


When we woke up we had to explain every single detail we did when we were Paris and we were tired of talking. When we finished we went to get some coffee but this time we wasn't alone Wes and David came along and so the others such as Finn and Rachel so we had to explain all over again.

When we were ordering our coffee we saw the other sat down on the corner table we walked near them and we talked a bit not about Paris thank god but then Rachel started to talk "so what did you do at Paris did you have fun?" We nodded and told her what we did. Everyone laughed and then we continued to talk about our usual days.
When it was time to go back we said our goodbyes and I hugged all of them and we went back doing our usual stuff and things.

A/N : sorry this one is too short but it is taking me so time to think and write and I have been busy.
I hope you are liking the story if you have any suggestions feel free to message me and I will get to it right away.

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