Chapter 10

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When I woke up the next morning, I realized that today was the day that we all have been waiting for Regionals. This time Regionals was in New York and we still had to wake up and pack our things.

I saw that the clock was 5:00a.m and I shook Blaine arms and told him "honey, wake up its time to pack and go to New York" and he nodded and woke up. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and then we started to prepare what Blaine was going to wear and then we chose some outfits including the uniform and some other useful things. We packed them all up nice and clean in blains suitcase and then we went to my room leaving his suitcase in his room. We chose some outfits for me and my usual moisturizing routine products and some other useful things and put them in my suitcase. When we were done we got dressed because we were still in our pajamas and when we were done Blaine came to my room to go meet the others in the hall.

It was about 6:00a.m and everyone was waiting in the hall talking and singing and checking if they got all their things and when we were done a big coach came to pick us up and take us to the airport. On our way to the airport we chatted a bit and rehearsed the song so we wouldn't get it wrong and hopefully we will win.

After the checking in and the baggage formalities, we waited for a while before our flight was announced. The MAS plane, an airbus, was waiting on the runway and soon I found myself on board. After fixing my seat-belt, I looked through the window and waited for the plane to take off. I was extremely excited. This was the first time that I had been on a plane and I hoped that my first flight would be to New York and so here it is I am literally flying to New York.

At first, the engine roared and then I felt the plane moving. It was still on the runway as it accelerated and then, in a flash, we were lifted off above the Airport, right into the clouds. It was a thrilling experience as I looked down and saw houses that resembled miniature toy-houses. Then, as we headed towards the hills and the forests, I was struck by the sight of the winding rivers and thelush green tropical scenery below.

Soon, we reached the southern tip of New York. The sea was as still as a lake, with tiny boats scattered near the shores. I quickly finished my cold drink and waited for the landing at the international Airport of New York. As the plane descended, I felt a bump and knew that we had landed. The entire flight lasted only one hour and half minutes. My first air trip was truly a memorable one.

Then when we were out of the plane Blaine started to talk "hey how are you? You haven't talked that much in the plane, are you okay?" and then I responded with a big smile on my face "yeah sure I'm okay I just was thinking and exploring the whole flight because I had never been on a plane and now here I am in New York with my one true love" he smiled and kissed me on the lips for a couple of minutes and then I felt something and turned around and saw that everyone was looking at us and I blushed and continued to kiss Blaine a little more. When the kiss ended Blaine grabbed my hand and we walked until we reached a big coach that was taking us to our hotel.

When we climbed the double-decker I was so excited because I could see everything from top of here and I was so excited. I saw a lot of amazing places and I and Blaine took so many photos. When we reached time square Blaine said "here we are time square" and I smiled and said nothing because I was too excited to talk. When we checked into our hotel that we were going to stay this upcoming week I saw Rachel and the others talking and I took Blaine's arms and took him with me to talk to the others.

When we reached near them I gave them all a hug and talked a bit until our guider escorted us to our rooms.

Then, a complete stranger in a tuxedo escorts me and Blaine to our room. As he opens the door for us, we entered a beautifully arranged room with everything in complete order as if it has never been touched. We unpacked our stuff and went to the warblers' meeting that was being organized in David and Wes room. You could imagine about twelve people in one room.

Then our meeting went on and on about how we will rehearse and meet in the same room for our usual meetings and how we will rehearse the choreography and at what time and when we will have some time for ourselves.

And when we were done me and Blaine went to our room to have some alone time and when we entered our room I said "I haven't spent time with you since we took off in the plane and I miss you know" Blaine nodded and said with a smile "well I know now we have the time and we can spent it together alone in quiet" he began to kiss me on the cheek and then on the lips and down to the neck. We continued to kiss until we fell asleep on the bed Blaine lying in my arms.

The next day was day number 2 in New York City and that day was the day of the competition.

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