Chapter 7

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Kurt's POV

The today we didn't have many classes because today we had to rehearse for regionals. We didn't have French today either because our teacher said to do the project instead of having class.

When I woke up, I got dressed and did my usual routine. When I was done I went to knock on Blaine's door but he didn't answer. I bet he was still asleep so I just went in, when I saw Blaine sleeping I didn't want to wake him up but I had to because it was time for classes and then warblers practice.

When I started to shook him I said
"Blaine honey wake up it's time for classes" I kissed him on the lips and then he woke up he said
"good morning beautiful" I smiled and said the same. Then with a laugh I said
"you better get dressed because we are going to be late" and he nodded and started to get dressed. When he was ready he grabbed his satchel and we went to our first class.


When it was about noon classes were done and we went to Warbler's practice. When we were all sat down on the sofa the council began to talk
"well as you know we figured our first duet and Blaine and Kurt chose the song Candles by hey Monday and now we voted for the other two songs and we came to a vote. The second song will be raise your glass by p!nk and the final song will be So what by p!nk aswell."
Everyone cheered and clapped and began to rehearse the choreography.

When we were done me and Blaine went to my room to begin the French project.
" I really want to win this thing." I said smiling and Blaine responded
"we will and we will go together don't worry" I smiled and continued to walk up the stairs. When we reached my room we went in and began to think about some French culture and we came up with some really good ideas. When we started to design and write our ideas on the chart that we were going to show our class my phone rang and I answered it. Mercedes and the others were on the phone and I smiled and put it on speaker so Blaine could talk too.

"Hii guys how all of you are doing it has been a rough week and we haven't been talking." I said to the others and Finn said
" we? Who is we?,I am starting to get confused" and Mercedes said
"you idiot it is Blaine and Kurt. Don't you know that they are together" I blushed a little when I heard them talk. Blaine laughed and I said
"come on finn" everyone laughed then I said
"well I have good news guys" then Rachel said
"come on Kurt tell us" and with a sigh I began to tell them
"well at French class we have a competition and if we win we have two tickets for a weekend in Paris and I teamed up with Blaine of course" and Blaine agreed with me and the others all cheered and laughed. Then Blaine said
"Kurt I think we have to go now we have others things to do" and then Santana said "ohh we know you better go then , Kurt stay safe" and with those words everyone laughed and I blushed with Blaine beside me and told them
"Santana come on we are not doing those things for now we are going slow and we have to rehearse for warbler's practice" and when I was finished Blaine laughed and we said our goodbye's and they returned their goodbye's.

When we ended the call we continued the project and then we were done and we finished about something like this:
Historically, French culture was influenced by Celtic and Gallo-Roman cultures as well as the Franks, a Germanic tribe. France was initially defined as the western area of Germany known as Rhineland but it later came to refer to a territory that was known as Gaul during the Iron Age and Roman era.
When we were done we laughed and talked a little. Blaine said
"let's go to my room and watch a movie or something it had been a long day today and we have to rest" and I agreed and we went into Blaine's room.

He put on a a movie and cooked some popcorn and then I had a message from Mercedes.
M: come to Skype now we are missing you Kurt
And I responded with an okay and then I borrowed Blaine's laptop and went on Skype and in a second we were video calling with the others.

Puck said "where are you Kurt ?" And Blaine responded "well he is In my room we were watching a movie" and they laughed. We talked and talked and me and Blaine were watching the movie and we forgot that we were still on Skype with the others and I snuggled into Blaine's arms, my head resting on his chest. Blaine kissed my forehead and I smiled and then I heard a noise and we realized that the noise was coming from the laptop it was Rachel.
She said "ohh guys you are so cute together" and everyone started to tease us and then we said our goodnights and fell asleep.
The next day was a big day because Rachel had something to tell us about a party she is organizing and I am sensing that my relationship with Blaine will become more lovely and passionate in love. And in the next two days we have to do our project in front of the French class and regionals was behind the door.

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