Chapter 14

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Blaine's POV

I'm gonna tell him today I think I just love him so much but what if he says no.. I can't. Yes I can.
I'm gonna tell him.
I went into his room and knocked and he opened the door.
"Hey Blaine"
"Hey Kurt I have something important to tell you"
"Go on"
"Well you know I love you so much and well Kurt you're the love of my life I wanna spend the rest of my life with you ..... Kurt will you do me the honor of marrying me? I love you so much and I couldn't stand to be away from you."
He started to tear up and my Heart is beating so fast I wish he says yes but he didn't respond.
I waited and waited and then he shut the door in my face. What why did he do that.

I ran and ran as far as I could and I started to cry. I didn't stop and ended up in the middle of the road I closed my eyes and stayed there for I don't know how long.
I heard something but I couldn't see my vision was black and black and I fell on the street. I was blacked out I didn't remember anything.

Kurt's POV

He proposed to me. Blaine my one true love proposed I didn't know what to do and the only thing that came to my mind is shutting the door.
That's what I did I felt terrible.
I went on my bed and cried I didn't know what to do.
I went down stairs hoping to find Blaine but instead everyone was looking at me. I grabbed Wes and David to the side and told then what was happening.
"Why is everyone looking at me?
"You don't know?"
"Know what?"
"Blaine is at the hospital"
"Why? What happened?"
"We don't know exactly"
I streamed back to my room and called Finn to pick me up.
"Finn pick Me up now."
"What happened?"
"I'll tell you later come on"
"Okay on my way*
I ended the call and got dressed quickly.
I stormed out of the door as fast as I could and Finn was there.

The way to the hospital was silence I didn't want to talk.
When we reached the desk I told the nurse about Blaine.
"Uhm hi Blaine do you know what room he is?"
"Kindly wait sir"
"No I can't my boyfriend is somewhere here and I don't know what happened"
"Follow me"
I followed the nurse and we came to the room 206 I saw him there Blaine.
Tears were forming and I started to cry.

He was there bruised with bandages all over his body. I went and sat down on the chair next to his bed and held his hand in mine as like we did everyday.
He woke up and I started talking to him
"Blaine oh my god you're awake"
"What happened? Where am I? And wait who are you?"

Oops a cliffhanger there..... I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long I've been busy well I updated now ... I'm gonna go now byeeeeee .....

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