Chapter 2

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When Kurt was in his dorm room doing his moisturizing routine as usual he began to sing.
The warbler practice had ended and Blaine went back to his dorm room when he was going to enter his room he heard Kurt singing, Blaine went to knock on his door but instead he stood behind the door to hear him sing when the song was coming to an end Blaine knocked on the door and went into kurt's room.
"You should audition for the warblers" Blaine said with amazement
"you have a really amazing voice" he completed to say ,
"where you spying on me" Kurt said
"no no I was just going to my room but then I heard you sing you are Really amazing" Blaine said with laughter
"I wasn't that good you know" Kurt said a bit blushing but then Blaine said
"you were good stop saying that to yourself, so tomorrow then ?"
"Tomorrow what?" Kurt said questionably "your audition" Blaine said laughing
"OK I guess but before that I have English lesson" Kurt said
"well then it's OK I can come pick you up and we can go together,so what are you singing ?" Blaine said a little curious in the end,
"I am not going to tell you, you'll see when I will start to sing I am going to blow you all of with my amazing voice" Kurt said laughing a lot.

English class has ended and Kurt was packing his books and notes In his satchel , he went out of the room where he saw Blaine standing near the door he said hello and they continued walking down the hall for warbler practice. Then Blaine said
"so are you excited?"
"well I am but I am a bit scared and worried at the same time" Kurt said shaking.
"Well don't be you are going to do great okay?" Blaine said with a smile.

When they walked into the room Blaine told the council and the warblers that Kurt would like to audition for the warblers they all agreed but first they all introduced themselves. Kurt made more friends after talking for a while then they decided that Kurt could sing so he did, he told them what song that he was going to sing and began singing :

Made a wrong turn,once or twice
Dug my way out of blood and fire
Bad decisions,that's alright
Welcome to my silly life

The warblers were backing him up with some vocals and he smiled. Blaine kept staring at him and listening to Kurt's amazing voice the song was coming to an end so everyone listened quietly
When the song was done everyone burst out in applause saying how good he was but then he turned to blaine and gave him a smile and he returned it back.
Everyone made a vote if Kurt could be in the warblers and everyone voted a yes so Kurt was a warbler now.

Kurt's POV

I was going to burst in excitement I felt like that I was flying, I had fun singing and they loved it. When warbler practice ended we went to eat something from the cafeteria, as soon this happened I texted Mercedes about everything that happened

Hiii Mercedes how are you ? I got some good news to tell you I got into the glee club here they are called the warblers they are so amazing - K

Hii Kurt I'm good how are you we've been missing you so much we wish you didn't left but it's the best and good for you so you will be competing with us in sectionals I guess -M

Well yes I'm good and yes we will be competing and another thing I met this guy his dorm is in front of mine, he is so cute I think I like him -K

Oh my god I am So happy for you I have to go cause I have a glee meeting bye I miss you Kurt we love you xx -M

Bye Mercedes I love you too -K

When I was texting Blaine came up on me and told me
"who are you texting ?"
"My best friend Mercedes she misses me alot" Kurt said then Blaine said
"well can I meet her someday she looks a lot like you?" I laughed a bit and then said "OK I guess I will tell her that you want to meet her" Blaine laughed and said
"OK then so I have got to go see you tomorrow then?" And I said
"tomorrow then bye blaine" when Blaine left I went to my dorm but when I was walking I bumped into a guy and my books fell on the floor he said
"I am so sorry come let me help you " and then I said
"oh you don't have to I should be sorry cause I bumped into you" then the guy said "no I would like to help you,my name is Sebastian" I laughed a bit and said
"Kurt, Kurt Hummel"
"nice to meet you Kurt" he said and then he Gave me my books and left heading the way to the door he must be a Stuart because he was heading that way.

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