Chapter 9

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When we woke up, we got dressed and went downstairs. Today was such a busy day for me and Blaine because we had to do our French project and today was the day of the most reharsing day in the world because tomorrow was Regionals.

When we were walking down the stairs Sebastian came up to me and said "morning beautiful" and I faked a smile and said "how long should I tell you that I am not your beautiful, I am Blaine's and no one's else" then Blaine was starting to get angry cause I could feel hin heating up bit by bit. And then Sebastian laughed and continued to walk to his class. Blaine turned to me and angrily said "could he give a rest, I really hate that guy" and then I said agreeing "yeah,me too, let's go to French class now because today is the day of our presentation" Blaine nodded and we continued to walk to our class. When we settled down in French class me and Blaine woke up and went to the front of the classroom so we could talk about our project and we could win the tickets for Paris.

We started to talk about how France was part if Europe and what tradition they had and what type of food they eat etc..
When we were done everyone burst out clapping and telling us that we did pretty well. I had a good feeling about this project.

When the class was over the teacher called us to go near him so he could talk to us, at first we were scared but then we calmed down. He began to talk and said "well done Blaine and Kurt. I have a good feeling about this and I want you to know that you two are going to ........Paris" I was very happy when I heard those last words and began to scream because I never went to Paris and in this moment I was going and I wasn't going alone but I was going with my one true love.
Blaine started to laugh when he saw me screaming from the inside and outside and he heldy hand and we went out and went for warblers practice.

Today and warbler practice we had so much to do and the choreography and the singing.
We began to rehearse our song. When we were singing everyone was looking at us with a happy face and I blushed a little because I was imagining the whole crowd cheering for me and Blaine tomorrow at New York. I just can't believe it that I am going to New York as well.
Since I came to Dalton my life had literally changed.

When we were ready, me and Blaine went up to his room and we did Skype for a little with the others and we began to talk..
Puck: I guess you are in Blaine's room aren't you?
Me: yes I am puck
Blaine: yes he is. He is always here and I love that so I won't be alone.
Puck:ohh nice one Kurt !
Me: come on puck stop that .
Finn: Is everything fine there Kurt ??
Blaine: Finn you don't have to worry he is OK he is on my watch don't worry you don't have to be that protective haha..
Me: yeah Finn what Blaine said. He loves me and I love him back.
Finn: OK then. If you say so.
Rachel: so Kurt, Blaine how was your day today?
Blaine: wonderful
Me: fantastic!
Rachel: why does smiles you have something to tell us don't you ??
Mercedes: come on Kurt spit it out ...
Me: well guys you knew about that competition and if we win we could go to Paris??
Everyone: yes Kurt get to the point!!
Blaine: should I tell them or ??
Me: well I should ....guys me and blaine are going to Paris !!!!!
Rachel: Paris wow Kurt it is great I hope you font miss us too much.
Blaine: well Rachel we won't that much it will he a week for me and Kurt only.
Me: we will do Skype OK so don't freak out
Blaine: of course we will
Finn: we will miss you Kurt well I don't know the others bit I will..
Me: that's awkward Finn well I will miss everyone too.

Everyone stared at Finn for a moment.

Kurt: goodnight everyone. We are going cause we are tired.
Blaine: goodnight sweet dreams
Santana: stay safe haha
Everyone laughed and said goodbye.

The next morning was regionals so we had to wake up early for our flight and our hotel to New York.

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