𝟏 • 𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙮𝙨𝙤𝙣

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The door chimes and I hear Rosie, my receptionist, talking to two female customers. They were our last clients for the day so I knew one of them would be mine and the other Max, my best friend and Rosie's man, would be tattooing.

I was in my station next door to Max setting everything up, happy that after this I could go out and relax. I heard one of the girls talking excitedly while the other sounded a bit nervous and I smiled. I could hear her say she wasn't sure and that they should just go home and then her friend called a chicken. I laughed when I heard her tell her friend to fuck off.

"In coming," Rosie yelled to let us know they were coming after telling them which rooms were theirs.
For some reason I was hoping to get the one that was nervous. I wasn't sure why since the nervous ones always took a bit longer. It was Friday and after we were done with them I was closing early. Perks of being the owner of Inked Out.

Next door I heard Max talking to the excited one and I knew the nervous one would be walking into mine in a moment.

"Shit, why did I agree to this. This is stupid... Oh my god seriously get it together Bree!"

I tried to hold in my chuckle as she muttered to herself, pacing between mine and Max's room. I had to cough to cover it so she wouldn't hear it. It was cute she was talking to herself.

"Jesus Bree, just go in the room. It's going to be fine," her friends yelled.

"She's right, you know," I say out loud. I wanted her to walk in my room. I wanted to see what she looked like. To match a face to the voice that had me smiling.

Her pacing stopped and within a second she was peeking in my room, slowly taking a step in.

I was already smiling before she came in but once I saw her, damn my smile grew. She was stunning. Her eyes were a bright green and they just drew you in. They stood out against her slightly tanned skin. I  couldn't look away as she tucked her long dirty blond hair behind her ear. Just that simple motion had me in a trance. I couldn't stop looking at her. I couldn't fucking pull my eyes away.

"I hate needles," she blurted out, making her cheeks turn pink. "Sorry, it's just... I made this stupid promise as a kid. And I didn't think we'd actually do it," she yells the last part at the wall to her friend.

I laughed and she turned quickly to look at me. I watched as her eyes trailed over my body and I couldn't help but be happy she was checking me out. I wanted her to like what she saw.

She bit her bottom lip as she darkened and I took that as she definitely liked what she saw. Hell, I know I did.

She was tall, a good 5'9 but still shorter than my 6'2. She wore these ripped tight hugging jeans that showed her smooth thigh beneath the rips. They hugged her curves and all I wanted to do was run my hands all over them, to feel her soft skin. She had on white top that stretched across her chest and dipped a little bit showing a little cleavage. She was perfect. Watching her continue to bite her bottom lip had me wishing I was the one doing that. Tasting her lips, feeling my them pressed against mine.

The way her eyes ran over me, slowly like she was appreciating the view, had me on the edge of my seat. And once she licked her lips I almost groaned.

I hear a cough and turn to see Rosie looking at me with one of her brows raised with a smirk. I narrowed my eyes and silently told her to go away which caused her to laugh while waddling away. She was due any day now and I was happy she was going on mat leave. I did not want her to have the baby here. The mess it would make. And it would be my ass cleaning it. No damn way.

I knew why she looked at me like that though. I never really checked out my customers like this. Sure I could say so or so was good looking but none of them really held my attention. So for this woman, Bree, to get my attention this fast was crazy. But there was just something that drew me into her. Her eyes, her voice, how she muttered to herself just attracted me to her. And now seeing how she was checking me had me even more.

I shake those thoughts from my mind and think back to what she last said, right, hating needles. "I hate them too, but honestly it's not that bad. But it can depend on where you're getting it."

After a moment she held out her right arm. "We were thinking on our wrist," she said unsure.

I pretend to think for a moment before saying, "Oh shit, never mind it's going to hurt like fuck." I tried  to look serious.

Her jaw drops as she stares wide eyed at me. I couldn't hold it in any longer and I laughed at her reaction. "I'm just messing with you!"

"Are you serious! You're a dick," she laughed while shaking her head. She sobered up quickly when she noticed what she said. "Oh shit, I am so sorry! I didn't mean that."

Fuck, I loved her laugh.

"Don't be, he is," Max yelled out and you could hear everyone laugh.

"Fuck you," I toss out to Max jokingly before looking back at her. "Seriously you'll be fine. It may sting and throb a bit but you got this," I wink at her.

Her cheeks went pink again and I grinned, glad I could make her blush.

She took a deep breath and came and sat in the chair in front of me. Now that she was closer I could see the small gold specks in her eyes and smell her sweet perfume of vanilla.

God was she fucking beautiful. Too bad I would never see her again. That thought hurt for some reason. I didn't even know her other than she was getting her first tattoo. I shook that weird feeling of being hurt off and began to prep her skin and get my gloves on to begin her tattoo.

That's when it seemed to strike me. I was going to be the first person to tattoo her and that satisfied the fuck out of me.

So what do you think so far?
Next chapter will be Bree's POV

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