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Shot lines up I pull my cue stick back and hit the cue ball sinking the number 7. It had already been a few hours and yet I still couldn't stop thinking about Bree.

I tried to distract her by getting her to talk to help with the pain. It worked for her and it worked for me liking her even more. After I finished she was happy with her tattoo and called for her friend Ella to come into the room to take pictures. I had dressed it and told her to keep it covered until this evening and made sure to explain to her the after care.

Once Ella left the room to answer her phone it went kind of quiet and I didn't like it. I liked hearing her voice and her laugh. It was like she felt it too, that we would never see each other again. It was like a heavy cloud hung above us.

Never have I felt a connection like that.

Fingers snapped in front of my face and I glared at Max. "Bro, it's your shot. Stop fucking daydreaming."

I was surprised he came out since Rosie was due soon but she's the one that shoved him out the door. I grabbed my beer and took a long drink before going back to the pool table. I was kicking Max's ass but I knew to be careful. He could always turn around fast, hitting a hard angle, and you'd lose and didn't even see it coming.

With my next shot lined up I pull the cue stick back and take a deep breath. Just as I strike my cue stick I hear a familiar laugh and I looked up fast fucking up my shot.

Max cheered in the background but I didn't give a shit. I stood up straight and looked around the bar everywhere for that voice. For her voice. Just as I thought I imagined it, I saw her.

She was standing at a table with Ella and another girl and some guy. The guy stood next to her and I fucking prayed that it wasn't her boyfriend. It would be just my damn luck. Her back was facing me, giving me the perfect view to see her back side. Her jeans were tight and hugged her curves and her perfect ass. Her hair was in a ponytail and showed off her slender neck.

Jesus just seeing her bare neck could turn me on. All I wanted to do was walk up to her and grab her from behind. To trail my nose along her neck and make her shiver. To hear her gasp as I kissed her neck softly, teasing her. To feel her curves beneath my hands. Fuck, never have I been so attracted and turned on by someone. But it was her. She drew that out of me.

As if she felt my heated gaze on her she looked around and then spotted me. Her eyes widened for a brief moment before I watched them trail over me. Once she was looking back into my eyes her small smile turned into a flirty one. Her eyes never leaving mine she nudged Ella and tilted her head at me. I knew I had a stupid grin on my face but I couldn't help it.

"Oh lala, does Gray actually like a girl finally," Max teased beside me and I elbowed him hard into his ribs making him groan. "Dick."

It was all fun and games when I teased Max about Rosie but I enjoyed dishing it. Not fucking getting it. Max had tried to set me up a few times and they always turned out crazy or, actually there was no or. I had no idea where he found these girls, but since then I refused to meet anyone Max tried to bring up.

Never again.

I looked back at Bree and saw her smiling at me and waving us over. "You can go now asshole," I told Max.

Of course he just laughed. "Like hell I am."

"Dude you got a pregnant girlfriend. Go see her, she can't be sick of you yet," I joked.

"We'll considering that she kicked me out to come with you... I'm gonna guess if I go home now she's gonna be pissed that I didn't give her and her friends time to gossip. But if I had the choice, you can bet your ass I would be with my fiancée instead of you." He made sure to emphasize fiancée to me.

He had proposed to Rosie just a few months after they met. They were getting married after she had the baby. She said she didn't want to be waddling down the aisle.

"Yeah, I can see why she wouldn't want your ass around all the time. You're annoying as fuck." That earned me a smack on the back that wasn't light.

I grabbed my beer and headed toward Bree and the group that were all leaned in, whispering and giggling. The closer we got, every single one of them were looking at me. Which was fucking uncomfortable to say the least. The only thing that made it better was her and her smile that grew the closer we got. I loved that smile. Loved it even more since it was directed at me.

Bree was the first to speak. "Guys this is Grayson and Max the ones that tattooed us," she pointed to each of us. "You already know Ella, that's Sami and that's Mick. Sami's cousin. He's in town visiting."

I didn't hear any affection in her voice when she mentioned him or looked at him like she liked him. Actually she said his name quick and brisk, like she didn't want to say his name. So I was taking that as they may not be dating and she may not like him.

She moved closer to Ella to make room for me but Mick had other plans. He tried taking my spot but I squeezed in and nudged him back to his spot.

"Thank you," she whispered. "He's been stuck on me since we got here. Even when I told him I'm not interested. He can't take a hint."

I could feel Mick move up closer to me to try and hear what she said. Prick. I turned my back fully against him and leaned on the table so he couldn't see her.

"Nice," she mouthed to me and I winked back at her.

Her head dipped before she looked back up at me through her long lashes. I could see a hint of desire in them and just that look alone had me turned on all I wanted to do was slam my lips on hers.

I took my beer and finished it off to try to calm myself down. "I'm going to get another, come with me."

It was getting later which meant the place was getting busier. I didn't even hold my hand out, I just reached over and grabbed hers and laced our fingers together. Her hand was soft and warm and gripped mine tightly as she followed behind me as we moved around people to get to the bar.

The closer we got the louder it became. There was a big fight on the TVs and everyone was talking loudly and cheering. I had to shove between a few guys to wave the bartender down.

I pulled Bree in close to me, shoulder to shoulder. I moved my face closer to hers and watched as her lips parted. Fuck I loved my affect on her. It was the same thing she did to me.

"What do you want to drink?" I asked her, my lips almost touching her ear.

Her eyes slowly lifted to mine. They were dilated and filled with so much heat I could feel myself getting hard already. With just a look she could fucking undo me. She had turned toward me so her chest pressed against mine.

All I could feel was her. It was as if we were in a fucking trance. I curled my arm around her waist and tugged her even closer. Her nails trailed up my arm to my shoulder and onto my chest where she gripped my shirt.

I knew she could feel me, feel how hard I was getting for just her. Her small gasp told me. I couldn't fucking wait. I needed to kiss her like I needed air. She licks her lips and I snapped.

I grabbed her face and —


Next it's Bree and I'm already writing her chapter...

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