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Jesus couldn't I get a guy that wasn't hot as hell. I was already nervous as it was. Now add in a sexy tattoo artist and my emotions are all over the damn place.

I sat in the leather chair stiff trying to control my breathing. He was looking down at the design that Ella and I were getting, which was two hearts connected. It wasn't very big but it was the width of our wrist and even though that was only like two inches, that was going to be two inches of damn pain.

When we made this plan I never thought we'd actually go through it. Then two weeks ago Ella told me she booked us an appointment to finally get it done. Damn her. I took another deep breath and relaxed my fingers that were digging into the armchair.

I focus on my tattoo artist and take him in again, this time without him noticing. I was mortified that I was checking him out so openly and I got caught by the girl at the front desk. Her cough had pulled me out of it and I cursed at myself. But now that he wasn't looking at me I could take him more.

I don't know why but men with tattoo are so freaking sexy. Ink covered his one arm while the other only had some here and there. The one I loved the most was the black and white rose on his hand. I don't know why it was so hot but damn it it was.

"Alright, you ready? I'm just going to clean your skin first with some alcohol and then lay the stencil down. If you like where it is, we'll get started. Sound good?"

God I even loved his voice. It was deep yet gentle as he talked to me. The way he looked at me smiling even had my heart fluttering like an idiot. His eyes were a deep brown and they sucked you in. I couldn't look away. Hell I could barely talk as he looked at me like that. All I could do was nod.

His smile grew and I swear I lost my breath. What the hell was happening?! Never have I been this attracted to someone especially so soon. Hell I was about to get tattooed and all I could think about was his lips. I licked my dry lips and his eyes followed the movement and darkened with desire. Fuck.

He blinked and shook his head and all I could feel was ecstatic that I was able to get him going, like he does to me.

He cleared his throat as he put gloves on. "Show me exactly where you want it."

His voice was deeper and gruff and I couldn't help but grin a bit. I flipped my arm over and pointed above my palm. "Right here on my wrist please."

He leaned over and ran a cold swab against my skin making me shiver. I took a deep breath and god he smelled so good. His cologne was driving me slowly crazy. AllI wanted to do was lean into him and inhale deeply over and over. It was addicting.

He grabbed the stencil, placed it on my skin and pulled the paper off leaving purple and blue ink on my skin. "Is this good? If not I can put it higher."

I looked down at it and smiled. "No, this is perfect."

"Good. Now we're going to start the hard part. If you at all feel dizzy or sick or lightheaded, let me know and I will stop right away. We can either take a few minute break or we can finish it another time. I don't want you passing out," he said, looking at me intently.

I was glad that if it was too much I could stop. But I was going to try to push through it. "I promise. I will tell you if I do," I say as I stare into his eyes.

His eyes flickered down to my lips quickly before looking into my eyes again. "Okay, good."

Jesus. Was it just me or was it hot in here?

Every time I caught him looking at me I swear my body would burn. And I loved it. My heart was racing for two different things. Him. And the tattoo. But mostly him at this moment.

Tattooed Virgins | 18+ Where stories live. Discover now