𝙀𝙥𝙞𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙪𝙚 • 𝘽𝙧𝙚𝙚

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5 years later

"Landon, come here right now," I said as I chased around our three year old toddler. He was running around naked, only in a pull up.

It was almost time for bed for him and everyone was going to be arriving soon. "Alright," I shrugged. "I guess Ryker isn't going to be sleeping over." Of course he stopped. I knew he would.

Once a month everyone would come to our house and we'd have dinner together and they would crash here after we had a drink or two. We called it our family time. Ryker, Max and Rosie's little boy was five now and he and Landon were best friends. They were practically inseparable.

They were also trouble.

The door opened behind me and I turned and looked and saw said number one devil come barreling towards us. "Auntie Bree," Ryker yelled as he slammed into me with a big hug.

"Hey little man, aren't you looking cute in your spider man pjs." He beamed at me and I pinched one of his chubby cheeks and he groaned.

"Not my cheeks again!" He moaned, running to Landon. "Landon look at what my mom got you," he said excitedly, waving his mom over.

Rosie pulled out a pair of pjs that matched Rykers.

"Spider man," they yelled at the same and I laughed.

I mouthed thank you to Rosie and she just smiled. "Well are you going to let me put them on you?" Landon yelled yes and I was finally able to get him dressed.

With both boys all ready they sat at the table and ate their Kraft dinner quickly before they raced off to Landon's room to play for a bit.

"Here," I passed Rosie a beer.

"Thanks. Grayson outback setting up?"

"Yup. It's starting to get dark out so all we have to do is get the boys to sleep and then head outside." We exchanged a look with a shake to our heads.

It sounded easy but it usually wasn't. The door opened a second time and Ella peeked her head in the kitchen. "My witches!" She gathered us into a big hug. "How are the baby mommas doing?"

That's when I looked at Rosie with a secretive grin but I dropped it quickly when I looked at Ella. "Oh you know... super tired," I yawned.

"Yeah, yeah... really tired. The boys are a handful. Never listening to us," Rosie said, trying to sound dejected.

"I put them to bed! They love Auntie Ella," she said before she bounced off into the boys room.

I looked at Rosie with a huge grin and we high five. "Yes!" We whispered yelled.

She was right. The boys do love her. It's also because Ella spoils the shit out of them. And when she takes them out, she always brings them back hyped on sugar. It is usually a knock, her yelling "he's back" and then she runs to her car laughing wickedly.

And it drives us crazy.


I sat in the chair in the backyard under the dark sky that was covered in stars. Beside me on one side was Rosie and Max. On my other side was Ella and her two year boyfriend Nick. We were all gathered around the fire pit that helped keep us warm on the chilly night.

I looked up as I heard footsteps running towards us and I grinned. Grayson was coming towards me with a huge smile on his face and still to this day it skips a beat. He leaned down and kissed me quickly before he picked me up and sat down, placing me on his legs.

His arms wrapped around my stomach and he held me close. "You ready?" He asked and I nod.

A loud bang shot out into the quiet night before the sky lip up with bright colours. One after one fireworks exploded above us and we all "oohed" and "awed" at the display in the sky.

Cuddled into Graysons arms, surrounded by our family,  with our sons asleep behind us, I have never felt more at peace.

"I love you," I whispered to my man.

"I love you more." 

The End

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