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My eyes flung open as I felt a soft hand grip my already hard cock and begin to stroke up and down. A groan passed my lips as Bree worked my cock. Fuck, this was an amazing way to wake up.

Her grip tightened as she stroked and I closed my eyes. My body jolted as her warm mouth wrapped around my head and her tongue swirled the tip and my cock twitched in her mouth. My body was strung tight with each touch and lick.

I placed my hands on her head and gathered her hair into my one hand to hold it out of her way. I flung the bedsheet off us and looked down. Seeing her full lips wrapped around my cock was the best fucking picture ever. Her cheeks hallowed as she sucked upwards hrd and I groaned.

Her warm wet mouth had my body thrumming and buzzing with intense pleasure. She began to move up and down faster, bringing me closer to the edge with each suck. I wasn't going to last long with her skillful mouth on me.

As much as I loved her sucking my cock, I wanted inside of her more. I hooked my arms under hers and flipped us over so I was on top. Her legs curled around me, I wasted no time before sliding into her. We both release a groan once I'm fully inside her warm pussy, buried to the hilt.

Her eyes sparkled in the morning light as she stared up at me with love. Every time she looked at me like that, it knocked the breath out of me. I wrapped my arm under her back and brought her closer, needing to feel her pressed against me.

My strokes are slow and lazy, I wasn't in a rush. I wanted to enjoy this. With each withdrawal she would clamp down around my cock making me groan. I kissed her neck before I nibbled her sweet spot that had her clenching me like a vice.

In and out I continued to make love to her but it looked like someone wanted more by the glint in her eyes. Next thing I know I'm flipped over and she is sitting on top of me and I grin. I ripped her shirt off and leaned up and sucked on one of her tight buds.

Her back arched and I grip her hips tight. She begins to ride me harder and faster, her breast bouncing with movement and I'm memorized. God, she's sexy. Faster and faster she works her body to chase after her orgasm.

She was soaking wet and her walls fluttered and I could feel how close she was. The way she worked my cock with her pussy was bringing me along with her. Our breaths were hard and the air around us was hot. I sit up more and pressed her chest against mine. Our skin slapped against her hard as she slammed down over and over on my cock.

My spine was tingling, and I was ready to cum inside her at any moment. I reached down between us and find her clit and behind to rub it. Her movements become irregular. Moans tumbled out as her body shook.

I move to her other nipple and flick it over and over with my tongue in sync with my thumb on her clit.

"Oh good, don't stop. Fuck, yes please." She begged as her pussy squeezed my cock. I suck on her nipple and rub her clit hard and she screams my name loudly.

Feeling her cum on my cock has me on the edge that I grip her hips and move her up and down my cock harder and faster as she comes apart on me. I slam her down over and over before I thrust up and bury myself deep inside her and cum with a groan.

Shot after shot of cum fills hers up as my body shakes from the intense pleasure. I couldn't stop coming as she continued to ride me and drag out our pleasure.

"Oh god," she moaned as she began to slow down.

"God, I fucking love you, Bree."

Her beaming smile triggered my own and I cupped her face and kissed her tenderly.

"I love you too," she says against my lips.

Just then the phone rings and she gets off me and we both groan. She went to the living room and grabbed the phone. "It's yours," she tossed it to me.

I don't recognize the number but I answered it anyway as I tossed on some pants. "Hello," I answered but my attention was on Bree that tossed one of my tee on that covered her body and I pouted. She grinned and kissed me quickly before she darted into the bathroom.

"Hello? Hello? Grayson?"

"Shit, I'm sorry. Yeah this is Grayson, who's this?"

"It's Anna..."

"Right, sorry. What's up?" God I hoped this was good news.

"Well...," she was killing me by dragging it out. "You got the place!" She said happily and my mouth dropped.

"Are you kidding?!" I asked in disbelief.

"Nope, not at all. They accepted your offer. Congrats"

My heart was pounding. Holy fuck. I thanked her a thousand times before I hung up. The bathroom swung open and Bree looked at me weirdly. Most likely because I was smiling like an idiot.

"What?" She asks suspiciously.

My grin wider. "We got the place!" I said fucking estasic.

Her face mirrored mine just moments ago. Pure shock. "We got the place?"

"We got the fucking place." I ran and scooped her up and she screamed happily.

"We got the place," we both yelled and I kissed her hard.

We had been looking for a place to call our own and finally we got one.

A new house to start our life in and build together a family.

Epilogue is next and then Tattooed Virgins is finished.

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