𝟓 • 𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙮𝙨𝙤𝙣

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I pulled up in front of Bree's apartment just on time. I thought I was going to be late with traffic after work but I had enough time to shower quickly before tossing on a pair of jeans and white tee.

It was nice out, which was good. I pressed the buzzer and stepped back. A window opened above me and I tilted my head back to see her head sticking out and I chuckled.

She looked down at me and her face lit up. "I'm coming, one second. I just have to find my keys." She smiled before she went back inside and shut the window.

I took a few steps back and leaned against my motorcycle. I didn't tell her what we were doing but I did let her know to wear jeans or pants. So I was happy to see I made a good choice to take her on a ride with iit when she opened the door and her mouth dropped and she looked excited.

"Like it?" I asked her as she walked closer.

Her eyes ran over the bike. "I love it! I've never been on one before. I have always wanted to though. Well I have sat on one but that was when I was like 8 and it was my uncles. This is going to be fun," she said fast and excitedly.

I shook my head in amusement as I leaned over my bike to grab a helmet. "I'm glad you like it. I got something to go with your outfit," I said as I turned around and held it out for her. It was a matte black helmet with a black visor but I turned it around and it said Bree on the back in purple. Her favourite colour she told me when I was tattooing her.

She looked at me shocked for a second. "Holy shit! You didn't have to do that, I would have been happy to wear a spare or yours. But I love it, thank you," she hugged me.

I hugged her back tightly, and I took in her sweet vanilla scent. "Here let's put it on." I pulled back. Her long hair was down and blew in the wind. She always seemed to take my breath away with her beauty.

I tilted her head up and carefully put the helmet on her and then did it up. I let out a long whistle as I checked her out. She was beautiful as it is but damn with the helmet on and her ripped jeans she was hot as fuck.

I lifted the visor and saw her cheeks tint. "Damn babe, you look good, very fucking good," I winked at her and she pushed me as she blushed more.

I grinned at her as I got on the bike. "Hop on, our date awaits my lady." I pretended to bow before I started the bike and it rumbled beneath me. She threw one leg over and sat behind me. "Hold on tight," I said loudly.

I flicked her visor down and grabbed my helmet off the handle and put it on. I revved the bike and shot forward causing Bree to shriek. Her arms wrapped around my stomach she held on so tight I thought she was going to break one of my ribs.

Eventually she started to loosen her grip and relax more. I faintly heard her laughing as we weaved between cars. I turned down a few streets before I slowed down and stopped in front of a brick building. I turned my bike off and we took off our helmets and I placed them on the handle bars.

She got off the bike first and looked around. "Where are we?"

There wasn't a sign up yet but I had a feeling she would like this since she liked darts. "Well it's like darts, but it might be something I could kick your ass in," I teasingly taunted her and her eyes narrowed at that. I threw my arms open. "Welcome to Axed, where we're going to be axe throwing."

"No way! This is fucking awesome. I was just talking to Ella about us coming here. It's like you know me well, but you don't because you think you're actually going to kick my ass," she tossed her head back and laughed.

It was my turn to playfully glare at her. "Yeah, well see about that. This is a manly sport, don't cha know," I said as I flexed my arms.

"Pfft that's what they say about darts too. Now come and watch me kick your ass... again," she said cocky with a wink.

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