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The last three months have flown by so fast. Being with Grayson, it was amazing. After he had taken my virginity, and I took his, he had officially asked me out which I of course said yes. To think that if I didn't go get that tattoo with Ella, I would have never met him. God, I love my best friend for that.

Speaking of her, Ella walked up to us with a bunch of beers. She handed one to me, Grayson, Rosie, Max and Sami. We're all hanging out again. Rosie had her baby two months ago, an adorable little boy named Ryker.

We had all grown closer together and hung out often. Right now we're at Axed, the place Grayson took me too on our first date. He had told Max how I had kicked his ass at the last second and Max had high five me. He wanted to try it and so we all went out together.

We had done teams, girls vs boys. Of course there were more of us girls but the guys were cocky and said they could still kick our asses... which unfortunately they did.

Max was bragging about it which earned him a smack from Rosie and we all laughed at him. His eyes narrowed at me and I could see the challenge in his blue eyes.

"That's it, you and me little Miss Ass Kicker," he challenged. "You stand there laughing but I bet I will kick your ass again." He puffed his chest out and I laughed again.

What he doesn't know is that Grayson and I have come back again and again. We have practiced together and got better. He knew Max would want to see if he could beat me so he wanted me to put him in his place and watch his best friend lose and enjoy it.

"A bet, huh," I pondered, as I pretended to think it over. "Alright. If I win, I get to tattoo you," I smiled wickedly at him. Grayson had taught me a bit of tattooing after I went and got a second tattoo of a small rose behind my ear. "And if you win, you can give me a tattoo. We chose what that other gets."

His smile was even more wicked than mine and he rubbed his hands together in glee. If I didn't know I could win I would be sick to my stomach. If I did this bet against Grayson, I would be fucked. While I continued to kick his ass in darts, he royally beat my ass in axe throwing. So I knew to never challenge him in this game.

"You're on," Max said excitedly as he held his hand out.

I pretended to be nervous as I slowly held my hand out and shook his. The girls were cheering beside me and telling me to kick his ass.

I walked to my lane and grabbed the axe. Grayson walked up beside me and kissed my cheek. Still to this day each touch and kiss had my heart skip a beat and my stomach flutter with butterflies. I was completely in love with him. I just haven't said it yet. I knew he cared and liked me but I was still nervous to say it.

"Kick his ass, babe," his breath brushed against my ear, causing goosebumps to break out on my arms. "I want to watch that stupid cocky smile drop from his face as you kick his ass," he chuckled.

"I will." I turned and kissed him deeply.

"Yo, lovebirds we're in a bet here. You can of course forfeit to go get a room, and save yourself the embarrassment of me kicking your ass," Max teased.

"I'm going to enjoy wiping that smirk off his face," I whispered to my boyfriend and he laughed. "Alright, let's do this."

I stood and watched him throw his axe and hit three points. He grinned at me as I prepared my stance and then threw my axe. The thud was loud and I didn't have to look to know. Max's face said it all. His grin had dropped as his jaw fell open.

I walked up to the board and tapped my axe. "Bullseye," I said sweetly and the girls cheered loudly behind me. Max was shocked as I hit it right away. I had made sure not to hit bullseyes when we played as teams so he would think I sucked.

I laughed at him and he glared. "Lucky throw," he stomped to get the axe.

The thud of our axes were loud as we threw them over and over. Each time I scored higher than Max, the more he growled and muttered.

"No fucking way is she kicking my ass. I am not getting my ass kicked by a girl like you," he said to Grayson, irritatingly.

Grayson just shrugged with a grin. "She's up by 7."

"Fuck it, I'm hitting the green." Max threw his axe and my mouth almost dropped open. I took a closer look and grinned. He had just missed the circle.

"So close... this is how it's done, Max." I threw my axe and hit the green circle and heard the girls scream. It wasn't dead centre but it was in the green.

"No fucking way!" Max yelled I'm disbelief.

Rosie came up and gave me a high five as she laughed at her fiancé. "Maybe next time don't underestimate us girls," she laughed out. "Now she gets to tattoo you." She couldn't stop laughing at his reaction and we all laughed with her.



I stood back between Grayson and Rosie and we looked over Max's tattoo. We were laughing as we read it. Never give up, it said. But the never was crossed out so it said "Give up".

I took a picture and showed Max. He stared at it for a moment, blinked then burst out laughing. "You are mean."

I smiled widely as I shrugged my shoulders. "It's just a reminder to give up and walk away so you don't embarrass yourself," I tossed back at him.

I felt Graysons hand slide across my back before he tugged me close. "Let's go home."

We all said our goodbyes and locked up the shop. A car was already waiting for us so we got inside and left. Home was at Graysons. We had started spending more time at his place and then last month I officially moved in.

The ride wasn't long and before I knew it we were walking in the front door. Before the door had fully shut, Grayson threw me over his shoulders and I laughed as I locked the door. He carried me to our room and threw me onto the bed.

I inhaled sharply as I saw his eyes darken as he looked at me. Every time he looked at me like that I would start to get wet. He crawled on the bed above me, his eyes never leaving mine. He leaned down and captured my lips in a hot kiss.

Our bodies moulded together, fit perfectly. I ran my hands through his hair and down his back. I slid my hands up his shirt, ready to rip it off but he pulled back. I looked at him confused but he just smiled softly at me.

He leaned over to his end table and grabbed something before laying back on top of me. His eyes were bright and shined with so many emotions. He kissed me again, but this time it was softer, delicate but still held so much passion. I swear I could cry just from this kiss.

"You know the moment I saw you, I just knew. I knew you were the one. When you sat in my chair and we talked as I tattooed you, it further cemented it. I had dreaded finishing it because I didn't want you to leave. I thought I would never see you again. But then I heard your laugh and looked up and saw you. Each time you had taken my breath away. I know it hasn't been long but I don't care because my feelings for you came hard and fast and I knew without a doubt you were it."

His voice was so sincere and held pure honestly. I felt as if I could barely breathe. Everything he felt I felt too.

"You are the only one. It will only always be you, Bree. I love you," my breath hitched and my heart pounded, "there won't be a day that I won't love you. I want to be with you every single day for the rest of my life... will you marry me Bree?" He opened his hand and I gasped. A beautiful diamond ring sat on his palm.

Tears blurred my eyes and his thumb brushed against my cheek. "Holy fuck," I gasped and his eyes crinkled as he chuckled. "Yes, oh my god yes!" I yelled, grabbing his face and kissing him hard over and over. "I love you so much," I said between kisses.

He lifted my hand and carefully put the ring on my finger. "Good, because I'd hate that I'd have to spank that ass until you said yes," he teased and I rolled my eyes at him.

God I love this man.

Tattooed Virgins | 18+ Where stories live. Discover now